1. I've run out of dexedrine and lack the funds to refill my prescription. Hence, depression. I miss my amphetamines.
2. I had to go all the way downtown to find a video store that has the first season of Heroes for rent, but when I got there they didn't have the first disk available.
3. On the subway on my way downtown I saw Ewan, for the first time since he fucking dumped me -- I had thought all my resentments and bitter feelings about that whole debacle of a relationship had gone away, but no, they're still there. We ignored each other, but just seeing him pissed me off.
4. After the video store failed to provide me with Heroes, I went to campus to work on a couple of reviews for the Toronto Times Online, but then I discovered that my student account has stopped working, me not being a student anymore, so I can't use the computers on campus anymore.
Then I had lunch and then I slept in Hart House library.
So, all-in-all, a productive day.
On top of all that, I read
that article blueanddollsome linked to by Naomi Wolf about fascist America, and it fucking creeped me out.