(no subject)

Mar 29, 2011 23:42

Wow, I have SUCKED at posting in recent months. Like, really, really sucked. It's not that I don't have stuff to say - there's plenty - it's more that there's so much I don't know where to begin and I never seem to have the time to sit down and think about it and write it.

But all that stops now. I AM going to post more often. I WILL find the time.

So, here is a listyish list of the most recent things going on with me.

1. School has been more stressful lately thanks to two of my coworkers deciding to take a trip down immaturity lane and essentially making life more difficult for lingrem and I. Not fun. The only saving grace is that we have nearly a month off starting this Friday. Trust me, it's needed.

2. Speaking of that month off... I'm headed to Boston and New York (and possibly DC and maybe Niagra Falls, the Canadian side) in ONE WEEK. I'm gone April 6 - 21 and I think it's going to be FAB! They're all places I've always wanted to visit and I can't wait! If anyone who has been to those areas has any tips and suggestions let me know, I'm still piecing together a tentative itinerary!

3. I've been doing a lot of travel within the UK lately. February was a week spent in Kent (that trip will get it's own, proper post eventually), I went to Cardiff for a day with a friend and this past weekend I took the overnight bus up to Newcastle to visit yet another friend and had an amazing time.

4. In writing news, I've been editing my novel lately and finding that despite some major rewrites that it needs, I'm really still quite enjoying it. Fic-wise, I'm participating in drabble_las. The sequel to "What's to come is stull unsure" is finished and awaiting final beta. As soon as those arrive I should be able to start posting. Good nes though, this weekend I had a major brainstrom for the content of a THIRD story in that series. So there WILL be a THIRD instalment, I'm just not sure when.

I'm falling asleep so it's time for bed but I will attempt to make another, much more detailed post in the next few days.

uk, rl, london

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