Icon Meme and Uber Mini update!

Jan 11, 2011 16:05

There is much to be posted about my holidays, fic, school, London, life, New Years etc... but as I am still a bit jetlagged and I went to the gym today, I'm exhausted so those posts will have to wait yet another day so that my brain is in a place to handle them without imploding.

For tonight, I'm going to catch up on a few memes I've been wanting to do.

First up, an icon meme

* Reply to this post with ICON ME! and I will pick five of your icons.
* Make a post (including this info) and talk about the icons I chose.
* Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
* This will create a never ending cycle of icon glee...

Chosen by cosmic_llin


Made bynemesishamartia

Well like about 80% of my icons, this is David Tennant (if you don't already know this from being on my flist and reading my journal well... I can't help you). I love the completely baffled expression on his face and I find this icon very amusing. I pretty much use this as my WTF? or confused icon, as required, most frequently in comments.


Made by theonlysong

This icon was made especially for me back when I was an active member of the Reading Groups over at the Harry Potter Leaky Forums . It was the summer the final book came out and I had no avatar at the time so a user called "theonlysong" made this for me. I'm a bit Harry/Ginny shipper and this icon contains quotes and fanart of some of my favourite scenes, mostly from books 6 and 7. (with a healthy dose of Ron/Hermione thrown in at the end there).


Hee. I don't know who made this one, but I ganked it from gioiamia ages ago and I love it and use it often. It never fails to make me giggle and it's surprisingly useful in responses and posts for all kinds of situations.


Made by alizarinskies

This is another icon that was made especially for me, but this time by one of my ALL TIME FAVOURITE Icon/fan artists, alizarinskies (check my icon list, I have a LOT of icons of hers and about 10 x as many saved on my hard drive - she's also the one who made my LJ header). It's based off of a custom fanart she did for me of a scene from a chapter of my long Doctor Who fic What's To Come is Still Unsure. It's an image of TenII holding his and Rose's infant daughter Viola in the nursery their TARDIS created while Rose looks on. I love the way she depicted David Tennant's Doctor here and I think her artwork is just stunning. The full picture shows images of Gallifrey since in the scene, he's telling her about his lost home.


Made by humansrsuperior

Oh, I'm SO glad you picked this one since it's another of my absolutely favourites and it gives me yet another opportunity to introduce new people to the wonderful joy that is humansrsuperior's Sherlock + Coat = OTP comic series. Basically, she's made about 13 (so far) little comics of a chibi version of Bennedict Cumberbatch's Sherlock (from the most recent BBC production which, if you haven't seen you really should because it's FANTASTIC) who loves his coat so much that he twirls in it at every opportunity (and more often than not gets caught!) this particular icon is an animation of her drawings for the very first in the series and I adore it.

More posts to come hopefully in the next few days...

memes, icons

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