Twelve Days of Christmas Ficlets: Day Eight

Dec 20, 2010 03:04

Note: I'm supposed to fly out of Heathrow tomorrow and with all the delays and cancellations they've had in the past few days it's likely I will be delayed and not able to post tomorrow. I will post as soon as I'm able to. In the meantime, enjoy this one.

Written for glory_jean
Prompt: Sparkle
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Ten/Rose
Rating: G

In her travels with the Doctor, Rose had seen many amazing and miraculous things. However, it was their trip to Elkraps that most impressed her.

As they walked through the forest of Rettilg, she looked up to see the sun reflecting off the leaves of the trees, causing them to sparkle. Upon closer inspection, she realized that they were made from tiny particles that looked like glitter.

“Wow,” she breathed, mesmerized by the sparkly leaves. “Is that glitter.”

“Yup,” the Doctor said, popping his “p” as he leaned back on his heels. “Everything grows out of glitter here.” He knelt down to scoop up a handful of soil and held it out to her for inspection.

She was surprised at how soft it was when she touched it, and she marvelled at how many different colours were represented.

“That’s amazing,” She shifted her attention to the thin tree trunks, realizing for the first time that they too were sparkly. “I love it!”

The Doctor grinned and tentatively slid his hand through hers. “I thought you might. Just wait until you see the palace.”


For weeks after their visit to Elkraps, Rose kept finding little bits of glitter pretty much everywhere. So much glitter seemed to have clung to them that she finally started to collect it, depositing it into a jar whenever she located it. Soon, the jar was nearly half full and the TARDIS was still covered in sparkles. Rose knew that the Doctor wasn’t particularly impressed, but as there was nothing she could do about it, she let it go.

Then, one morning, the jar was empty and when she asked about it, the Doctor excitedly took her hand and dragged her to the garden. There, in the centre of the room, was her very own glitter tree.

12 days of christmas, dwfic, doctor who

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