DW Fic: A Different Sort of Family Reunion (4/5)

Apr 29, 2010 22:09

Title: A Different Sort of Family Reunion (4/5)
Author: lorelaisquared
Betas: frakup, gioiamia
Rating: PG
Characters: Rose, Ten, Jenny
Word Count: 1,289
Summary: The Doctor and Rose encounter someone from the Doctor's past. Can they unravel the mystery that surrounds her in time to keep her safe?

Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 |

Chapter 4

Rose's heart pounded frenetically as she raced into Jenny's room. She'd expected to see a Xevengow attacking her, but instead she simply saw Jenny hunched over, her face contorted in pain.

"Jenny!" Rose shouted, running to the bedside and rubbing the girl's back. "It's okay, it's going to be okay."

Slowly, Jenny began to relax and she leaned back against the pillow, panting from exertion. She smiled meekly. "Thanks Rose." She looked around the room. "Where's Dad?"

Rose frowned at the empty doorway and shook her head in confusion. "I'm not sure, he was with me when we were coming to your room."

Before either of them could ponder his whereabouts further, he burst through the door, his arms over flowing with medical supplies and tiny diapers.

"What is all that?" Jenny asked, pointing.

"Mostly human obstetric equipment," he answered rapidly, placing the diapers on a side counter before tearing around the infirmary setting up machines and tubes.

"But we're in an infirmary," Rose pointed out.

"An infirmary filled with alien technology that's not fit for birthing babies." The Doctor set up an IV and attached it to Jenny's arm.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Jenny's scream filled the room and the Doctor jumped back.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you."

"You didn't," Rose said calmly, rubbing Jenny's back again. "She's having another contraction."

"Already?" When it was over, the Doctor gently attached a monitor to Jenny's abdomen and instantly the swish of heartbeats filled the air.

All three of them held their breath as they listened. Jenny's eyes brimmed with moisture and she immediately reached for Rose and the Doctor's hands. They stood that way until the next contraction started and Jenny cried out in pain.

Rose squeezed her hand and rubbed her back again as the Doctor moved to the foot of the bed and prepared himself for what appeared to be an extremely quick birth.

Nine minutes later, he passed his granddaughter to Rose and reached down just in time to deliver his grandson. Both babies cried as air entered their lungs, and their little fists flailed in the air. While the Doctor finished up with Jenny, Rose cleaned the newborns, diapered them, and wrapped them tightly in blankets that the TARDIS seemed to have provided for her.

Gathering both infants in her arms, Rose carried them gently to the bed and handed them to Jenny.

Jenny's eyes swam with tears of joy. "They're perfect," she whispered, gazing down at them lovingly.

"They're beautiful," Rose agreed, her gaze fixed on her granddaughter who was looking up at them with vibrant blue eyes.

The Doctor finished what he'd been doing, and came around the other side of the bed. He kissed Jenny's forehead. "You were amazing."

Jenny beamed. "Thanks, Dad."

"They look completely human," Rose remarked.

Jenny nodded. "So did their father. Valrians are a highly advanced human species."

"Pshh. So they say," the Doctor scoffed. "Exaggerative species that one. I met a Valrian Earl once. He claimed that Valrian's were more advanced than Time Lords. Like that's even possible."

Rose ignored him. "So in a way they're part human?"

"Yeah, kind of. Although I think they may be more Time Lord than Valarian. They both have two hearts. I could feel them beating when they were in my womb."

"Ha! See? Time Lord is the more dominant species!" The Doctor beamed triumphantly.

Rose and Jenny looked at each other and rolled their eyes.

The Doctor glared at them sulkily for a moment before asking, "So have you thought about names?"

Jenny stared at her daughter. "Well, I was thinking maybe I'd call her, Donna. Do you think that would be all right?"

The Doctor and Rose exchanged a sad glance.

"I think that would be lovely." The Doctor reached down. "May I?"

Jenny nodded and instantly he swung the child into his arms and snuggled her tightly to his chest. He brushed his hand over her downy hair gasping as he suddenly became aware of the colour. "It's ginger. She's got ginger hair just like Donna Noble," he said in awe. "I always wanted to be ginger…"

Rose laughed. "I like your hair."

"Well, it is exceptional hair. But it would be even better if it were ginger."

Rose rolled her eyes and focused her attention back on Jenny. "And what about him?" Her grandson had his little hands balled into fists as he stretched and yawned.

Jenny cradled him to her breast, her eyes sad. "I'd like to name him after his father, Valrzghzubhmn."

The Doctor and Rose both gaped at her for a moment before Rose regained her composure and brushed a single tear from Jenny's cheek. "Uhhh that's perfect," she whispered hesitantly.

Jenny looked from Rose to her father and threw back her head in laughter. "The expression on your faces is priceless," she managed to say between gasps. "Don't worry, we can call him Val, for short."

The Doctor, still holding Donna in his arms, reached out with one hand and rubbed his grandson's head gently. "Well in that case, welcome to the family, Val. I hope you like bananas."

Rose leaned on the doorframe, smiling fondly as she watched the Doctor cradle the two infants to his chest. Jenny was fast asleep on the bed beside him, exhausted from the exertion of labour.

The Doctor bent his head down and began to murmur softly, a look of immeasurable contentment stamped across his features. They had been through so much, felt so much heartbreak, that it was as surreal to feel so happy. Yet she was, incredibly happy, with him, with Jenny, with their first grandchildren. Seeing him now, she knew with certainty that he felt it too, and that knowledge made her even happier. He looked up and held Rose's gaze for so long it made her stomach flutter.

After several moments, the Doctor planted a gentle kiss on the top of Val's dark haired head and then dropped another on Donna's ginger mane, before standing and laying them both gingerly in the small bassinette Rose had discovered in one of the TARDIS's many rooms.

He hesitated slightly as he covered them up and placed his hand over their small bodies protectively. For a moment Rose though he'd scoop them up again, the reluctance to leave them so vivid on his face, but instead he blew them each a kiss and came to stand with her in the doorway.

"They're beautiful," Rose remarked.

"Miraculous," the Doctor corrected. "I can't believe they're our grandchildren, our family. I never thought I'd have that again." His eyes were glossed over with what Rose now knew was hundreds of years worth of sadness and loneliness.

She reached up, caressing his cheek tenderly before placing a chaste, comforting kiss on his lips. "Everyone's allowed a new beginning," she whispered softly, "Even you."

The Doctor rested his forehead against hers. "Thank you." He looked back at Jenny and the babies and his entire face brightened into a wide grin. "It's a good one."

"It really is."

Chapter 5

rose, ten, auctionfic, fic, dwfic, doctor who, auction, rating: pg

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