Title: What's to Come is still Unsure(2/16?)
lorelaisquaredRating: PG-13
Characters: TenII, Rose, Jackie
Word Count: 3727
Beta: The incredible
cookie2697 Summary: Part One in an epic love story spanning time and space: When the Doctor abandons Rose in Pete's world with his counterpart, they must learn to live without him. Slowly they build a life together that
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My heart! It's fluttering all over the place Awwwws YAY! :) I'm glad!
I love the way you handled this chapter. Thank you so, so much. This section of the story was tricky because I had a lot to get through in a relatively short amount of time.
Hee. The kiss on the porch was totally added just two days ago. Initially I had some narration there instead but my beta pushed me to make it more active, she was exactly right. It worked so much better this way! I'm glad you liked ti! :)
I just knew he was thinking what he was thinking before he said it, Ha! You be psychic! I love that you were able to predict that! It means he's in character! YAY!
and I love that Rose reassured him and it was the first time she said "ILU" to him and basically chose him over Ten and his response and... I love this part too. It was a very deliberate choice made early on in the writing process in a brainstorming session with cookie2697 I think it was even her idea. I wanted the milestones in their relationship to be significant and to hold a lot more meaning than just the act of a kiss or a declaration of love. I wanted to make it really count.
THEY ARE SO CUTE OMG. ♥ ♥ aren't they just adorable? I love that TenII is able to be so free with his expression in a way that Ten never could. It's great to write.
You are totally distracting us with all this fluff and happy and slipping in wee bits of the arching mystery, you clever devil you. I'm just waiting for something to explode around us or something. Wheeeeeeee!! LOL you just might be the clever one picking up on that. Darn, I was trying to be sly. *shines horns* there, maybe now it will work... I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of a 'splosion... but if there is one, I promise to provide protective gear...
You're a demanding one, aren't you? LOL More will come sometime this weekend. It'll be here before you know it! :) I'm so delighted that you're enjoying this so much.
*bounces and squees some more*
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A very good move, methinks. ;) We got more hot stuff! \o/ And for other reasons of course. x) LOLOL! I might be willing to do some one shot "missing scenes" at some point that could have a higher rating... *hee* Once I'm further into the story I'll do a prompt post for those...
Hee! Yep! Very! In fact in the beginning when he was saying they should stop looking for it so actively, and he was so sad and saying he was sorry... I already knew he was thinking silly things that he was. Silly Time Lord-human. :)
LOLOLOL Some things never change. Half human or no, the Doctor is predictable when it comes to being self deprecating isn't he? (Although, am I the only one who finds it amusing that he's technically jealous of HIMSELF? I'm just saying...)
Well you certainly succeeded in that! I do love that whole aspect of it, that it was kind of an off hand comment/question, rather than a declaration. And that speaks volumes more, I think. And it was just special and unique anyway. :D
Thank you! That's what I love about it too. She's almost flippant about it because she's realized this and she just can't believe he didn't know... Plus then it ties right into his reluctance to be intimate and it breaks down the last of the barriers between them.
Oh I know what you mean. ...I kind of miss that. :/ *suddenly wants to write TenToo now* Awwwww. I'm surprised at how fun he is to write. (this is my first attempt). It's funny 'cause this story really wasn't supposed to be about him, but then he went and crawled into my brain and took over. Silly, silly Doctor.
Hehe maybe I just picked up on it 'cause I've used the same tactic in my own multi-part stories. ;) Dangle PRETTY SHIPPY THINGS in front of people and then... BAM! xD I'm very much looking forward to what's in store. LOL I'm glad you picked up on it. I'm just surprised at how many people are asking about the Ood and stuff... It just hadn't occurred to me that people would. Not that it's a bad thing. Hee, dangling pretty shippy things is fun. I like pretty shippy things... (though I will now be weary of all pretty shippy things when I finally get to your fics because I will be living in fear of the anvil falling on my head and squishing me to bits...*
When I'm demanding, it's cause I love something and want more of it. ;) It's a compliment! Don't feel pressured. :D Well thank you! Feel free to be as demanding as you like... :) No pressure, I can't post early because if I do it messes up my beta, so I have to stick to the weekend and midweek... :)
Thanks again for ALL your kind words... :)
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Hee! That just means they're paying attention! Like good readers do. ;) LOL yes! This is a very good thing. I'm glad!
....OOPS. :X Hee! Perhaps I best wear a hard had and protective gear whilst reading? Mind you that doesn't stop you from doing this to my brain.
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FYI! Your more is here now! :)
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