Ficlet for Wiggie

Sep 14, 2009 02:14

Wiggie currently owns me (TWICE!) in the supportstacie auction. And she earned herself a drabble and a ficlet. This was SUPPOSED to be the drabble. But my muse decided that  hitting me over the head with a giant anvil at 1:30 am would be fun, so it turned into a 700+ word ficlet.  I'm sure you're terribly upset by this Wiggie! :)  There's definitely the option for a sequel/continuation, but that requires another bid :)

Anyway without further ado, here it is:

Seduction written for wiggiemomsi 
Prompt: Nine/Rose Seduction
Rating: Teen

The Doctor watched as Rose smiled flirtatiously at Captain Jack Harkness. He'd only met the man a few hours before and already he was ready to be done with him. But instead, at Rose's pleading, he'd reluctantly landed the TARDIS on Jack's ship in time to save him from eminent explosion.

Now it seemed she was going to ask the man to dance and the Doctor didn't like it. Rose was his. Okay, well not really, Rose was her own person, but the Doctor felt a strong sense of protectiveness toward her and he didn't trust Jack Harkness as far as he could throw him.

Rose smiled brightly at Jack again and the Doctor felt as though he'd been punched in the gut. That was the smile she reserved for him. It was the smile that made him feel whole, made him forget, for a second, that he was a mass murderer. That smile made everything broken inside of him better and she was giving it to someone else.

The Doctor frowned and made up his mind. He was done pretending that there was nothing between them. He was sick of always being on the sidelines watching her flirt with other men. He could dance too, damn it and he'd prove it to her right now.

Soon her hand was in his and that brilliant smile was directed at him again. His hearts swelled, beating rapidly in his chest, and in that fleeting moment, everything was right in his world. He wanted to hold onto the moment forever, to show her how much he needed her.

Without really realizing what he was doing, the Doctor pulled Rose more tightly into his arms. She was so close he could feel her warm breath against his neck, could feel her breasts pressed against his chest. Need and desire that he hadn't felt in years pounded through his veins and before he could change his mind he pressed his lips to hers in a crushing kiss.

Rose gasped, at first, shocked at his unexpected display of affection, but soon she was sliding her arms around his neck and pulling him closer as she opened her mouth and deepened the kiss.

Jack cleared his throat loudly and they jumped apart, Rose yelping in surprise.

“Sorry to interrupt what I assure you is a tantalizing show, but is it possible to get away from the ship that's about to explode first?” He pointed through the doorway to his own ship.

The Doctor cursed himself for being so stupid and immediately raced for the console, sending them into the Time Vortex just in time.

Jack strode to the jump seat and leaned back lazily. “You can carry on, now.” He grinned widely at the two of them, clearly enjoying himself.

Rose blushed,  and giggled nervously. “That's okay. I should um...” She pointed to the hallway and made a hasty exit, pointedly avoiding the Doctor's gaze.

“I'm sorry I scared her away,” Jack told the Doctor as they both watched Rose leave.

“I don't think it was you,” the Doctor muttered.

“It couldn't have been your kissing,” Jack assured him. “After seeing that, I'd kiss you.”

“Something tells me you'd  kiss a fish if it had the right parts.”

Jack shrugged. “Well, there was this girl on Xenith...” He trailed off dreamily.

The Doctor ignored him and stared wistfully at the spot where Rose had been standing a few moments before.

“She likes you, you know,” Jack said plainly.

The Doctor gaped at him. “She does?”

“Haven't you noticed the way she looks at you?”

“But she was flirting with you not twenty minutes ago.”

“She wasn't serious. She kept shooting you glances when she thought I wasn't looking. I think she's waiting for you to make a move.”


Jack held up his hand. “Please, spare me the five million excuses for why you shouldn't. March down that hallway and shag her senseless. You'll both feel better, once you do. Trust me. Just do me one favour first -”

The Doctor blinked at him. “Uh, sure, what's that.”

“Show me where my room is? I imagine it will take you some time and I'd rather be comfortable while I wait.”

“Oh, right.”

And that was how the Doctor found himself staring at the door to Rose's bedroom, contemplating how he was going to seduce her.

dwfic, ficlet, support stacie, doctor who

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