Apr 05, 2009 10:26
I've been getting dizzy trying to keep up with the auction - so many threads and the two pages thing makes it difficult.
So I made myself a handy cheat sheet for the GG auctions. If anyone would like me to add the office auctions to this list I can do that.
Anyway, here is how we stand as of about 10 minutes ago. Mags, Boom and Ellen are pretty much sweeping the board at the moment and resident Doctor Whoer, Wiggiemomsi is trying desperately to infiltrate our ranks. It's a zoo out there people.
Author Current Bid Current Bidder
1. AdinaRJ $30.00 Rolley
2. bigbagofweird $52.50 Mags
3. Cardinalgirl $75.00 Wiggiemomsi
4. DiehardJavaJunkie14 $27.12 EllenDeGeneres
5. EL (aka TwistOftheScarlettRose) $12.34 CoffeeCoffeeCoffee
6. Filo $35.35 EllenDeGeneres
7. gjoni $26.71 Lulu
8. Grizzly $69.69 Mags
9. I Love Lukey $75.00 Iwannahorn
10. Iwannahorn $35.12 EllenDeGeneres
11. Jewels12 $72.72 BOOM
12. Jmaka $24.69 Mags
13. LorelaiSquared (aka Squid) $40.00 Wiggiemomsi
14. Loridhhp $21.69 Mags
15. lulu1960 $33.69 Mags
16. Mag1/Mag68 $369.69 Iwannahorn
17. MaryM47 $25.01 Java
18. ninjasquid01 $52.50 BOOM
19. Oh-no-she-di’ent $90.01 EllenDeGeneres
20. Olivia_Jane $111.11 BOOm
21. Once Upon A Whim $40.12 Jewels12
22. Phishes/Phishes92 $$0.00 Jmaka
support stacie,
gilmore girls