DW 3x12 - 3x13

May 22, 2009 00:15

3x12: The Sound of Drums *bounces* Here we go.....

Ohhh Jack's watch thingy worked.... Hee "thanks to me" says the doctor.

Uh oh.. they found the Master - as PRIME MINISTER. Oy. Not good.

Oh now, he's just toying with the doctor "What this country needs, right now, is a Doctor".

I don't like the way he talks to Martha's sister Tish...

The Master has a bit of the wit and humour of the Doctor - only it's in a more evil way... The actor is very good though.. I dislike the character but his facial expresions are making me giggle.

Oh, this is not good - he's wearing a gas mask... Okay definitely a vile and evil man. That was horrific.

What's with the tapping? Something to do with that drumming in his head in the last episode?

No Martha, don't erase your sister's message - it's a clue.

Hmmm this reporter is totally on to him. Ooh,... he came in after Harriet Jones stepped down. I bet the Doctor is going to be kicking himself when he finds out... If she stayed in office he wouldn't have been able to get into power. OY.

Okay, the soundproofing on Downing street IS impressive, but that scene where he kept opening the door and you could hear the reporter screaming was AWFUL. And I have a really bad feeling that Tish is going to be the one to find her and she'll end up in danger too.

I'm curious about his wife though. She obviously has at least some inkling of what he's up to - who is she? Is she an alien? Or just a power hungry human being?

Oooh very clever with the travel locking thing on the TARDIS. Good move.

It sounds like he HAS me the Master before...

Oooooh the drumming pattern - it's a form of hypnosis isn't it.

Oh crap - he rigged Martha's flat? That is just RUDE.

Urrrrgh I'm not impressed with Martha's mother. Her father however I just got new respect for. Oh man, those people are vile. Even though I don't like her mother much no one deserves to be treated like that. They are not good people.

OMG he tapped into her phone call. How Creepy is that.

This conversation between the Doctor and the Master is enlightening. They definitely have some sort of history - and the Master seemed to have been there when he chose his name... Is this what you alluded to a while back?

And yet there seems to be a comfort to him to be talking to another time lord. "All we've got is each other" It must mean sooooooooo much to him that a timelord is alive... and yet it's not the fairytale he wants it to be... Public enemy 1, 2 and 3... OY *sobs for the Doctor*

By Jack's gang I'm assuming he means Torchwood?

"Run" What an ominous ending to a phone call.

LMAO at the Master watching Teletubbies.

Oooh, a glimpse of Galifry. His memories of the planet are sad and interesting. Woah - making and 8 year old look into the vortex of time and space? That's crazy. Hee... typical that the Doctor ran... That suits him somehow.

True confession time... The Doctor is not at all pleased about Jack working for Torchwood. Not that I'm surprised. I'm sure that he blames them for what happened to Rose. And really, that whole situation WAS their fault because they created the tear that allowed the Daleks and the Cybermen to get in.

"I did it for you in your honour" WOW! Even more reason to like Jack. He did a good thing there. A really good thing... Now Torchwood is an ally as opposed to an enemy.

Oooohhh That reporter was smart - sending the files to Torchwood.

Scary about the phones - anything related to mind control like that freaks me out. I do like that we have an explanation for why the Doctor didn't sense him though. I mean they totally crossed paths a few episodes back.

Ooooh very cool trick with the TARDIS keys.

OMG! Ouch. "It's like when you fancy someone and they don't even know you exist" Talk about an analogy that cuts like a knife. Poor Martha. How could he be that clueless and insensitive? *sigh*

BWAH "You too huh." Oh Jack I love thy ambiguity and innuendo.

Oh, UNIT - aren't they aligned with the Doctor.

LMAO! I enjoyed this conversation: "So America is taking charge?" "Since Britain elected an ass, yes" BWAH!

I don't like the sounds of that "The last president of America" Very ominous indeed.

Is he wearing a cape? oh, no it's just his coat.

Ack, Martha's family.

"I'm not here to kill him, I'm here to save him" Talk about a rough job for the Doctor - this man is EVIL, how's he going to fix this? (Although I understand his desire to get a proper timelord back... that came out in his earlier conversation.

Okay, I have to admit the Watch thing is pretty cool. Reminds me a bit of apparation. Looks painful though.

Woah. That ship is pretty impressive.

The TARDIS. OMG... he turned it into a paradox machine? The Doctor has to be freaking right now - he's always trying to avoid paradoxes.

LOL and yet he's still got his confidence "Oh I've got a way. Sorry, did I mention that?"

Saxon is insane.

On no, he's got the Doctor.

Laser screwdriver? ick and it's awful. What he's doing to the Doctor right now is horrid. He made him old...

These things aren't Daleks are they?

6 billion of those things? OY

OMG That's so awful... the way they just have to watch people die.

Oh, Martha did it... she teleported, she's going to try and save the day.

Oh god, that's awful... there's so many of those things.

Okay, you weren't kidding about needing to watch the next one right away.... Good thing it's ready to go and it's only 9!

3x13: The Last of the Time Lords Here we are, the end of season 3. WOW! (I'm giddy because I know that I am THAT much closer to Rose returning)

I skimmed through your response to 3x11 so I now know a bit more about the Master and the Doctor's history - thank you for that, I was wondering (as I'm sure you could tell from my comments)

OMG! A year later? Planet earth is closed? That is BAD. Very, very BAD.

Ohhh there's Martha. She's been away for a year? Has she been trying to save everyone all this time?

Oh the irony "Great, I'm traveling with a Doctor"... oh her voice was sarcastic there.

The Master is rather proud of himself isn't he? Ohh Rose's family is still alive - he's making them be his servants? awful. Also making the Doctor sleep in the tent thing? Cruel. He's enjoying that way too much. He's a psychopath.

Martha is so different now - you can tell that this has changed her a lot.

Ohh they have some sort of hand signal system - wonder what that means?

LOL "Anything else I should know?" "I've met Shakespeare."

Aww I like Tom... and Martha seems to kinda like him - it's a positive sign to me that she seems to be able to move on.

I don't think he's treating his wife very well - shes not looking very happy.

It seems that Martha's family is finally on board with and accepting the Doctor. Tragic that it took something as awful as this to get them on board.

LOL "Oh, here we go again" Poor Jack seems to be so resigned to dying a million times.

I'm curious to know what the Doctor has been trying to say to the Master.

OMG That scene where he aged the Doctor 900 years was AWFUL. Sososososo cruel, I'm crying at the cruelty. I want our Doctor back!

aww, I love that Martha was so happy just to know that the Doctor was alive.

I like Dr. Mulligan.

WOOT! They got one of those sphere things... I'm curious to see what the enemy actually is.

Awwwww Martha's parents seem to be together again - I like that her whole family is so adamant about wanting to stop the Master. They've really turned around.

He's obsessed with the drumming.

OMG! They're the humans who went to Utopia? That's so, so, so horrible. *sobs* So awful...

That's why he needed the paradox machine. That's horrid.

*chills* "Human race, greatest monsters of them all" ... Horrible.

Ahhh Now I see what Martha's been doing. That's quite the mission he gave her. And she's done it well. Amazing that she's gone from the frightened love sick girl to a true hero.

NO! Prof. Milligan is going to betray Martha. *cries*

I HATE seeing the Doctor so small and helpless.

Aww I love that Martha is telling these people how wonderful the Doctor is. "I know him, I love him." That was a beautiful speech.

Oh no, the Master found her. :( She looks terrified. Not that I can blame her - he's awful and she's so close to having what she came for.

OMG Tom tried to save her and he was killed. That's tragic. I liked Tom.

Oh God... he's making Martha kneel before him? He's just horrendous. Poor, poor Martha. And yet she's so, so, brave.

OMG I'm so wrapped up in this but I had to pause for a moment to comment on a few things... First the Master is so jealous of the Doctor - that's clear in the way he says "He's had companions who could absorb the vortex"... You're right. At the moment I'm really, really, really glad that Rose is untouchable. What he's doing to Martha is absolutely awful I don't even want to imagine what he'd do to Rose.

Martha is AMAZING here. First of all she didn't even flinch at the side reference to Rose and then she goes and turns it around on the Master, explaining what she was really doing.

I LOVE that she's got everyone thinking Doctor at the same time and he seems to be becoming himself


HAHAHAH The master actually looks scared. Of.. even his companion is saying it. That's a great moment - everyone united in bringing him back. OOOOH and with some new powers - I'm reminded of when Rose was Bad Wolf and could do extraordinary things.

Awwww "I forgive you" Of course... Are you seeing the biblical allusion here too?

The paradox.. OMG this is getting intense. So crazy.

OOOH the Doctor looks so gleeful "Time is reversing" I love that - and how he and Martha cling together? They so earned that moment. You weren't kidding about her changing. INCREDIBLE transformation.

YAY! They did it!

LMAO I love how he suddenly introduces himself to Mr Jones. That was such a Doctorly moment.

The scene with Mrs Jones where he tells her she's better than the Master was heartbreaking. GREAT scene. Great acting.

He's going to KEEP the Master? That's crazy.

He's breaking my heart right now, begging the Master to regenerate - even though he's so evil - because he's so desperate to have a connection to his people. OMG what a scene. He's just lost his people all over again. *sobs* The Master dying in his arms was *choke*

awww I like how Martha took flowers to Prof. Mulligan.

*sniff* Jack is going back to Torchwood. I love that the Doctor has now accepted him. Such a change from that conversation in Utopia.

LOL I'm giggling over Jack's question about aging what happens if he lives to be a million years old. *snorts* Oh Jack.

*gasp* OMG OMG OMG "The face of Boe they called me" Holy crap on a cracker. *jaw drops* HE'S the face of Boe? OMG OMG OMG! Gives a whole new meaning to... EVERYTHING... and we've seen Jack die... OMG... my mind is going crazy right now. That means he was there during Rose's first voyage, and that time in New, new, York... and again this season in Gridlock... WOW.... HE kept all those people alive - that's what finally killed him... *sobs* *hugs Jack*... I love him even more.

(I'm also loving Martha's shocked expression that the computer is currently paused on).

LOL I love the Doctor's reaction "No, no... definitely not, no" And then laughing.

So Martha is staying? You said she appears on Torchwood.

OOOOH.. she called to check if Thomas Milligan is there - she's definitely staying.

Awww I like the scene where she tells the Doctor, and explains why. She really is amazing. "I spent a lot of time with you thinking I was second best, but I am good"... *sob*

She FINALLY told him the truth, very clearly, and I think he finally got it. Good for her - he needed to hear that. I like how she gave him the phone too - now there is a proper way for him to be summoned to earth when needed. That's good.

Who was that who picked up that ring from the base of the pire where the Doctor burned the Master? I have a sense of foreboding about that one - something tells me we'll be learning more about this at some point.

WTH? The TITANIC just crashed into the TARDIS? I'm almost laughing that's so crazy. I'm totally sharing in the Doctor's "What's" at the moment. CRAZY.

You weren't kidding. This was a GREAT series of episodes. And I've come to totally appreciate Martha's character - only took until the middle of the season. Doomsday is still my favourite episode, but this ranks up there. Definitely a winner.

And now... I'm almost at Season 4. *dances with GLEE* You know I'm going to be on the edge of my seat until Rose arrives... and I'll be wondering and guessing the how and the when and the why. But that's half the fun. I better get proper internet soon or I'm going to be going nuts.

Next stop, the Children in need special!

episode commentary (dw), doctor who

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