DW: 3x06-3x07

May 19, 2009 23:58

DW: 3x06: The Lazarus Experiment

Ah, He DID take her home.

Awww such a look of disappointment on her face when she realized where they were.

Did he actually get the timing right this time? A year hasn't passed has it? (I don't trust the Doctors time keeping obviously LOL)
I sense a mystery the Doctor can't resist.

LOL He came back! I knew it!

*unpauses and vows to keep comments to a minimum and just watch*

okay, I lasted about 3 seconds and then the Doctor got all smug about being compared to James Bond... LOLOLOL

"Nibbles, I love nibbles" BWAH

HAHAHHAHAHAHA He enjoys being called a science geek and "Obsessively enthusiastic about it" BWAH! What an apt description.

Mrs. Jones is scary... I like how the Doctor is so intimidated by her... not at all like how he was with Jackie where there was more commradary beneath it all.
BIG Red button - reminds me of his little rant/speech about the button he shouldn't press during season 2

Uh oh... the guy getting younger is not good - this is not good at all - part of being human is aging.

Hmmm is the science that allowed this to happen similar to what happens to the Doctor when he regenerates?

I don't like Mr Lazarus - he's cruel.

hee I like how the Doctor is so gleeful about impossible things.

uh oh... something wrong with the DNA - I be some alien or something infiltrated the experience.

Okay that guy who came up to Martha's mom and asked about the doctor was a bit odd. and cryptic.

Of course Martha's sister is the one in danger.

oooh, very interesting dialogue. "Some people live more in 20 years than others do in 80"... What a truth and it sure resonates with this particular show.

Okay, when the DOCTOR looks scared you definitely want to RUN! that monster is ICK

BWAH! Is it wrong that I'm amused by the person who said the biggest danger is choking on an olive?

ooooh and of course she's the one who gets eaten.

Okay the lazarus monster looks like a giant, ugly, scorpion. Very, very creepy.

Oh and have I mentioned how great the doctor looks in a tux?

Martha is getting very good at using the sonic screwdriver.

Of course Martha's family doesn't understand. Brother is on to something though.. yup - she's falling for him... unfortunately it's going to be a recipe for heartbreak for her.

Ooooh smart doctor with the gas in the science lab.

That guy again - telling Martha's family that the doctor is dangerous. Who IS he?

LOL of course he doesn't have a plan. LOL

Oh man, talk about tight quarters... more fuel for her crush.

Okay how freaky is it that the scorpion monster was a genetic mutation of HUMAN DNA?

Nice trick the doctor did making that machine reverse itself.

BWAH! I don't like Martha's mother but I'm amused at the Doctor's reaction to the slap "Everytime"

"Nothing but death and destruction" We've heard that before. *sigh*

I like that Martha's sister also went after them.

Interesting "Lazarus back from the dead" - the biblical reference is not lost on me. Even more interesting with him going to a church for sanctuary.

"There's no such thing as an ordinary human" I LOVE that line. It's so applicable to life in so many ways... I want an icon with that I think. Hee! Oh I know - an icon of Lorelai with that quote... how funny would that be? Nice little cross over icon.

Martha is smart and brave to be making that thing chase her. But it gets him to the bell tower.

Where did the Doctor learn to play the organ?

Glad that worked and I'm glad Martha didn't fall.

Awwww I'm liking the bonding between Martha and her Sister.

Is Lazarus actually dead this time?

"Hang around with Bethoven..." LOLOLOL of course.

She turned down another trip... She had a point though - the one more trip thing wasn't fair. I like that she misunderstood his "okay" at first.

I think she earned the right to travel with him properly though - she really can handle herself and she clearly enjoys it and appreciates the beauty of the universe. Plus she's sensible and he needs that. If only she didn't have a crush on him, she'd be the perfect companion.

And Harold who? Who the heck IS this guy? Oooh... Here's a thought... maybe he's the timelord that was possibly alluded to in episode 3x03 by the face of boe. It would make sense since the timelords disapproved of the doctor traveling with humans. Hmmm....

DW: 3x06: 42

The way he made Martha's phone super was different than how he did Rose's - didn't he put a chip or something in Rose's? He used the Sonic screwdriver.

Crashing into the sun - not cool

And once again he's separated from his beloved TARDIS... this must be a common plot point - otherwise it would be too easy.

BWAH! "I do love a good stasis chamber"

I love that he comes in and starts making orders and they all listen to him.

"Don't they teach recreational mathematics anymore?" BWAH! Oh Doctor - not everyone is as brilliant as you are.

Oh gee Martha trying to get help from her mom and she gets yelled at instead - how do you express to your mother that it's a life and death situation without terrifying her?

Oh man... that poor girl getting blinded by the light was horrific. And man that scream sent chills down my spine - Martha's mom has got to be FLIPPING out now.

Okay, whatever this thing is it's scary and I'm so not liking it. Creepy, creepy... especially the was it's killing people - soooo awful.

BTW this episode is giving me MAJOR flashbacks to that one with the ood and the beast in season 2 (blanking on the title right now.)

Oh man, I just realized that there are two of them now. That's why that time it was different.

Woah that scene where she's in the pod and floating away from the ship with him watching was sooooooo well filmed. And that moment of silence? So intense.

My heart is breaking for Martha right now as she talks about her family - as wacko as they are she obviously loves them a lot.

Lines like "I'm going after her" just don't have the same impact they did when Rose was his companion. I know it's supposed to be a big emotional moment but it just isn't working for me here... Am I too jaded now? I don't dislike Martha but the longer I watch the more irritated I am by her crush on him and I'm finding it hard to get excited about her. Not that I want anything to happen to her, more that I'm just not very attached to her... or maybe it's more her and the doctor I have issues with... I'm not really sure, but something's off. does that make any sense at all? Cause it's confusing in my head at the moment lol

*sob* the phone call to Martha's mom is sad and so emotional. uh oh though - there's someone else there and I'm feeling suspicious about what's going to happen next. I'm guessing they're trying to trace the call.

Oh man, the Doctor going on about the sun and it being alive was some amazing action on DT's part. He did such a great job with it.

More great acting from DT in the stasis chamber. WOW. INTENSE scene.

Aww... the captain sacrificing herself was sad.

Ooooh, they did it! they averted the impact with like 3 seconds to spare... that was INTENSE

Awwww I like that that guy totally fell for Martha - that seems to be happening a lot - if only she were open to it *sigh*

Awwwwwwwwwww He has those haunted eyes again. *hugs the doctor* Is it wishful thinking to think he's thinking about Rose there?

He gave her a key, that's sweet, but my first thought was "No, that's Rose's key". Okay, I think I'm still far too attached to Rose at the moment - especially after listening to the Stone Rose... I was beginning to accept Martha a little and now I'm all confuddled.

Not liking the looks of those people who are "helping" Martha's mom. Something is not right about all that.

Okay, time for bed. More tomorrow.

episode commentary (dw), doctor who

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