Once Upon a Time 02x13: Tiny

Feb 10, 2013 18:54

I know I've fallen behind on these in recent weeks and I'm still hoping to come back and record my thoughts on eps 10-12, but for now I thought I'd jump right in with my thoughts on this week's episode.

[Tiny Thoughts]

-Okay, first of all, was anyone else as disappointed as I was at the reveal of Charming's REAL name being David??? I mean talk about anticlimactic. I figured they'd withheld it up until now because his real name was significant and possibly tied into another fairytale, but alas, this seems to be a case of something insignificant witheld too long for no real reason
-Cora bringing the giant to Storybrooke is unsurprising - seems like the kind of thing she'd do. I really liked how it all played out through this episode though. I felt there was some good character evolution there on his part in particular and I liked how his experience with Charming turned out to be the opposite of the one he had with his brother.
-I felt really bad for Antoine in his backstory
-Nice twist making Jack a woman, plus it was nice to see Cassidy Freeman back on TV. I always quite enjoyed her character, Tess Mercer on Smallville.
-I loved seeing Ruby try to get through to Belle. I'm sad they didn't connect the same way they had been. I love them so much as BFFs.
-I'm not really sure where they're headed with this outsider storyline but I don't like it. This Greg guy makes me very uncomfortable and I don't like him making nice with Belle at all.
-They're growing more magic beans!!! To be honest I wasn't at all surprised by this twist once we saw him with that vial in the flashback. I liked how the dwarves kind took him under their wing. And I had to laugh at Charmings reaction to Tiny getting named by an axe when he wasn't. He helped for all of what? 3 seconds? Um know, definitely doesn't deserve that honour. It probably would have just named him as freaking David anyway.
- Regina's meeting with the Charmings felt a bit anti-climactic to me after the way everything went down. I mean they addressed the fact that she was innocent but it all seemed too nicey-nice to me, if that makes sense. Although since it seems Regina's now in league with her mother, who knows what's going through that head of hers.
- Interesting that Henry is coming along for this trip - Emma's choice makes perfect sense to me, of course that's the best way to keep him safe, and he's the only other person in town who can leave freely, but it makes me wonder if he's going to end up having a role to play in either finding Bae, or in whatever else is going to happen now they're in the "Outside world". There's also his father out there somewhere and I'm sure we haven't seen the last of him...
- I found Rumpels storyline in this episode to be the most compelling. Seeing him so shaken and out of his element was alarming. Sure, we've seen him be cowardly before he became Rumpel, but this was different. He's been in control of everything up to this point, he's always been the one pulling the strings and setting pieces in place - all to find his son, and now he's in control of nothing. He's at risk of losing his memories if he gets far away from the enchanted shawl, he apparently can't use magic outside of Storybrooke, and he's headed off into the big, bad real world. The way Robert Carlyle played all of that in this episode, was remarkable - so much conveyed in his body language and facial expressions. He didn't have that many scenes this week but the ones he did have proved what a master actor he is. Looking forward to seeing more of him in "our" world in upcoming episodes.

Anyway, I liked this week's episode and I'm once again anxiously awaiting the next episode.

once upon a time, episode reaction

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