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bloodysuicide69 October 15 2012, 13:26:37 UTC
This episode made me cry so much too. In fact just thinking about it makes me cry. The whole, Emma/snow part where snow was telling her all the things that were suppose to happen. Teaching her to walk and say her first words. Then when she talked about losing it all. Then Emma opening up. And then finally Snow looking at the nursery the way it was and feeling so much loss. I was in tears the whole time!! Snow is so strong she doesn't like people seeing her emotional but I get the feeling that this isn't the last time we will see them be emotional. There is no way you fix 28 yrs of loss in one emotional moment.

I hate Cora but I knew there was going to be a switch in the power plays when they made Regina give her powers up to "become better". Cora is going to be the new evil and thankfully Regina didn't throw the book away because she will be the only one to match her mother.

King George is going to also be an evil contender in the future. With Henry and Charming.

I wish Lancelot had not been a puppet in FTL real time. I really liked his character. This is just like Philip. I don't think either are all gone. I think that "death" in FTL isn't always final. So we will see.

I do wish they had spent more time on Snows curse. It feels kind of like it served no purpose but to make sure Charming's mom sacrificed herself for them. I would have rather seen Charming and Snow come together about the curse and find a way around it themselves. I see why Charmings mom did what she did obviously, but infertility is such a gut wrenching subject. Seems like it was just one second "Barren" and the next "fertile!" but ya I cries about the infertile stuff too.

I really think Emma done goofed a bunch and I hope she starts listening to Snow.

Henry did a bad thing! I wish that he would have met up with Regina or at least they had shown her being stood up. Shes trying so hard to be a good person and he's not throwing her any bones. That's not good or nice. I guess I'm a little partial to Regina because I feel like she was dealt crappy cards. And that putting her mind to being better is really a good direction an Henry should be nurturing that.

In any case! Who the hell is Dr. Whale!!!!!


lorelaisquared October 16 2012, 03:42:14 UTC
I get teary thinking about it too. Especially in regards to the scene you mentioned. That hit me hard and was just so moving and heartbreaking. Oh I think this is just the beginning of what we're going to see between Emma and Snow. They both have a lot to deal with and it will take a long time for them to personally resolve some of their issues. I'm going to enjoy watching it.

I think you're right about Regina being the one strong enough to fight Cora. Should be interesting. And King George is scary in a completely different way. I don't trust him at all.

I really liked Lancelot too. I'm kinda hoping Cora was lying and she didn't kill him but instead just impersonated him after he was pulled to SB with the curse. I would not put it past her to do that immediately and put herself in power with someone she knew people would trust.

I mentioned this in response to another comment about but I really think that the point of Snow's curse was to add more gravitas to the Snow/Emma stuff... Not only did Snow give up sharing her daughter's childhood, she gave it up after thinking she wouldn't be able to have a child. It just makes it all that much more emotional. And there was not point dragging it out since we already know she's going to have Emma so resolving it quickly like that makes sense. It also seems to add to whatever is going to be happening with George down the road.

I'm glad Emma goofed. This is a new land to her and she went in over confident and really out of her depth even though she wouldn't acknowledge it. If she had figured it all out too easily it wouldnt' have been realistic. I'm sure she's going to listen better now but I also expect her to still fight. She's been independent for too long.

I also wish we could have seen Regina stood up, I don't think there was enough time for that with the 3 timelines though. I'm hoping they shot it and it'll end up on the S2 DVD's. That would be great. And yeah, Henry made a bad call there. I hope it's addressed at some point.

YES! WHO IS HE? I have been trying to figure it out and I'm so lost!


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