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rodlox October 15 2012, 08:38:54 UTC
>Cora's line about wanting to see her daughter again nearly made me laugh.. I was like, sure you want to see her again -
well, to be fair, Cora never said it would be a *happy* reunion. :)

I think one episode called him "David" in Fairytale land...though my mind may be merging together an ep and a review. (he is, after all, a sheepherder who becomes king)

I think Rumplestiltskin would have been like "you again?"

I can see why the writers didn't want to extend Snow's cursed state for more than an episode...this was more a psychological torture than anything else. (and what was with that amulet? until Snow's comment that they're going to have a child, I thought "maybe it doesn't let itself fall into the hands of the barren?")

LOL at Charming's "Is there something I should know?"
(he's probably thinking back over every time he pinned her to the ground)

> Regina being forced to step down as mayor was not at all a surprise. I wonder who will end up taking over?
Charming. I don't think anybody will challenge him (Whale, maybe) - since he's their King. (hence Whale...or maybe King George)

>. I would have thought she'd want to protect that place
I think that's why she let Charming go there - because Henry would have defied her, maybe opened a few more boxes to spite her, to challenge her.

>I'm thinking poisonous snakes in Storybrooke getting into the wrong hands would be a VERY bad thing
I think that's why Charming said they have to be sure nobody else finds that place.

as to the Pit...why push them through a door in the last ep, then drop a rope to them in this ep?


dragonstarlin October 15 2012, 19:27:25 UTC
Also we already knew curse was broken, it was kind of dull really unless is a driving force in George's on going anger. That's kind of what I'm expecting.


rodlox October 15 2012, 20:18:47 UTC
>Also we already knew curse was broken
well,, yes we did...but before the parting-of-the-ways scene, we didn't know how it was broken, or how long it might take. (there might've been a little quest involved)

it is nice that it explained a bit more of King George's reaction - it wasn't just the breaking of the alliance with Midas...it was more the fact that King George took Charming in like a son, and Charming ran away.


lorelaisquared October 16 2012, 03:32:19 UTC
Yes, I think this was meant to give us more of George's motivation as well as to make the Snow/Emma stuff more powerful


noybusiness October 15 2012, 22:23:18 UTC
I think one episode called him "David" in Fairytale land...though my mind may be merging together an ep and a review. (he is, after all, a sheepherder who becomes king)

No, I'm afraid not.


lorelaisquared October 16 2012, 03:30:39 UTC
well, to be fair, Cora never said it would be a *happy* reunion. :)

I don't think they've ever called him David in FTL. I think David was only his SB name, but it connected to who he was in FTL (a lot of the names do actually. "Blanchard" means white, Gold is obviously an allusion to Rumple spinning straw into Gold, etc...)

LOL They do call on Rumpel a LOT. I guess they don't want to overuse him. (sad, sad lack of Robert Carlyle in this ep though)

I can see why the writers didn't want to extend Snow's cursed state for more than an episode...this was more a psychological torture than anything else. (and what was with that amulet? until Snow's comment that they're going to have a child, I thought "maybe it doesn't let itself fall into the hands of the barren?") I think the point of showing the curse in this episode was to drive home how significant it was that she was without her daughter for 28 years. After everything she went through to have her, to lose her so quickly makes it all the more tragic. I think that was the point of it. Obviously we knew the outcome would be positive and we knew it would be a girl, so it wasn't new info really, but it definitely adds gravitas to the present day stuff with Emma and Snow.

Charming does seem a logical choice, most of them see him as their ruler already. I think Whale challenging him would be interesting. Also, is Midas around somewhere? He's another king that could make things challenging. Not sure George would be after that kind of leadership, I suspect he's got a more personal goal.

I think that's why she let Charming go there - because Henry would have defied her, maybe opened a few more boxes to spite her, to challenge her.

That's a good point.

as to the Pit...why push them through a door in the last ep, then drop a rope to them in this ep? for effect?


rodlox October 16 2012, 03:50:24 UTC
>After everything she went through to have her, to lose her so quickly makes it all the more tragic. I think that was the point of it.
but most of what she went through was either losing her mother-in-law, or having a secret to keep.
(and given what Charming's mom said about his greatest dream was to have a child, I kinda wonder if Snow feared the news would be a hurdle (to their true love) that Charming would be reluctant to cross. that's something that it doesn't matter what Charming would actually do - what matters is what Snow thinks he would...does that make sense? i may not be explaining very well...or I'm rambling; sorry)

> Obviously we knew the outcome would be positive and we knew it would be a girl, so it wasn't new info really
the outcome wasn't a surprise, true. but the road to that end, was.

>Charming does seem a logical choice, most of them see him as their ruler already.
that's what worries me: that there will be about as much discussion or debate, as there was in FTL with Snow being declared the new leader of the remnant community.

> I think Whale challenging him would be interesting.
hopefully it will give new hints as to who Whale was...or at least it will show us a side of Whale that can't be described as "lecherous" by anyone.

> Also, is Midas around somewhere?
I do hope we see Midas again, on one side or another.

...though if he were in Storybrooke, we'd have to ask why he didn't show up when Kathryn was going through hell.
(was theirs another family separated when the Curse brought everything over?)

...I'm curious what the Storybrooke magic is doing to his personal curse.

> He's another king that could make things challenging.
yeah, can't say "its the economy!" to Midas. :D

> Not sure George would be after that kind of leadership,
not for himself, at least; if nobody else stands for the office of Mayor, George might run just so Charming doesn't get it by default.


lorelaisquared October 16 2012, 04:32:14 UTC
but most of what she went through was either losing her mother-in-law, or having a secret to keep. I disagree. I actually think it had very little to do with Charming or a fear of losing him at all. For several hours there, she genuinely thought she would never be able to have children. Sure an aspect of that is not being able to give Charming a child, but an even larger aspect is that she thought she would never be able to have her own children. Given Snow's background with having lost her mother so young and clearly not getting the mother she'd hoped for in Regina, This must have been devastating for her, even if it was only a short time. Here she thought she'd have the chance to create a family with the man she loved - the family she'd probably always wished for since she was a child and then that chance is taken away. Regardless of how quickly it was reversed, that had to have had an impact. Does that make sense? This is tricky to explain since so much of it is inferred as opposed to being outright stated in the episode, but that is how I took it.

that's what worries me: that there will be about as much discussion or debate, as there was in FTL with Snow being declared the new leader of the remnant community. That's true. Although maybe living as humans would have instilled more democracy in some of them? Mind you, they've never really had much choice before anyway, even in SB. I think the bigger question is, does Charming want that role? It would take away from finding Emma and Snow.

Well, not all families were "cursed" together so Midas may not have had any connection to Kathryn whilst cursed. Now that they'll both remember though, I'm sure we will eventually get to see them reunite if he is there. We definitely do need some followup to Kathryn's story.

...I'm curious what the Storybrooke magic is doing to his personal curse. Oh yes, good point!


rodlox October 16 2012, 04:54:36 UTC
>Sure an aspect of that is not being able to give Charming a child,
I wonder if Charming ever found out about the curse...probably felt a mix of love (you didn't want me to worry) and upset (why didn't you tell me?)

...and depending on who told him about the curse {George?}, a measure of shock (why didn't Snow tell me?)

> but an even larger aspect is that she thought she would never be able to have her own children.
which is why I'm glad it was undone.

(granted, with a heart as large as hers, I'm sure her doors were always open to orphans and young ones in need, to stay at camp/castle as long as they wanted)

>Regardless of how quickly it was reversed, that had to have had an impact
most definately. I guess I was mostly thinking in terms of Snow's interactions *while* she was cursed.

>Does that make sense?
a lot of sense.

>I think the bigger question is, does Charming want that role?
I think, on one level, he wants to avoid that role (as you say, so he can focus on finding Snow and Emma)
...also, as he told Henry, his job was fighting, not talking. (he'd prefer Mayor Snow) must not crossover with Hunger Games

on the other hand, Charming might take a look at whom else is running though they might be running to keep Charming out of office...and decide that he has no choice but to seek office.

hm, wonder if there's a bylaw that says the Mayorship reverts to the previous occupant of the office, if concensus cannot be reached on who the new Mayor will be. :)


{which brings to mind a question regarding titles -- everyone refers to Charming either by his pseudonym or "my prince"(?)...nobody refers to Regina as "the Queen" for obvious reasons (deposed in two lands)...though nobody's said to Mr. Gold "oh great Dark One"...

...but what about the others? Kathryn is Princess Abigail, (George) is King George, etc}


lorelaisquared October 16 2012, 05:10:11 UTC
Good question about whether he ever found out about the curse. If he didn't, then maybe he's going to find out now, in SB - that could be an interesting twist. (also rather horrible)

most definately. I guess I was mostly thinking in terms of Snow's interactions *while* she was cursed. Ahh okay, although she really didn't have time to say anything to Charming - he was rather preoccupied.

I wonder too if Emma were there if some people may not want her to lead? Afterall, she is the one who saved them all (I don't think Emma would really want that role even if she was still in SB, but I can see some people wanting it for her - and wouldn't that just kill Regina?)

What about Gold? Do you think he'd run?

More Kathryn would be great. We haven't really seen her since Ruby found her. Also, Fredrik is presumably wandering around SB somewhere so I'd love to see him find her.

As for titles, I think that people would probably use the ones for *their* leaders. We have multiple kingdoms that seem to have ended up in SB so there's probably a mix of allegiances. So far we've really only seen the ones who are clearly aligned with Charming and Snow's kingdom, but I'm sure there are other's (like Dr Whale) who don't recognize them as their rulers.


rodlox October 16 2012, 05:35:51 UTC

>Ahh okay, although she really didn't have time to say anything to Charming - he was rather preoccupied
granted; that's probably it - that everything was resolved before he could find out.
(Given, that is, since they're the sort of couple who would assert "we have no secrets", would it matter plotwise that the secret is "I *was* cursed barren" instead of "I *am* cursed barren" ?)

...then we'd really find out how much Rumplestiltskin/Fairies/other are invested in Charming and Snow having the savior -- who would show up to stop Charming from haring off on another quest in the middle of fighting Regina ("look, here's a potion, don't say I never do anything for your kids")

>(I don't think Emma would really want that role even if she was still in SB,
I think if anyone offered her the job, Emma would get another of those very pained faces. :)

>What about Gold? Do you think he'd run?
not sure. he already owns most of the town. :)

maybe a compromise canidate...Belle?

>We have multiple kingdoms that seem to have ended up in SB so there's probably a mix of allegiances
quite very true.

and while Snow and Charming kept saying "we're going to take back our kingdom" - meaning, presumably, taking back the White's castle from Regina.

...but with King George still after Charming, and King Midas' attitude towards the reneger still unresolved (ditto for the royal father-in-law of Cinderella)... Well, that's why in a number of my recent(ish) fics, I've been referring to that period as the civil war, because in the season 1 pilot, for example, everyone seems to look to Snow and Charming as the last ones standing, basically.


lorelaisquared October 16 2012, 07:39:09 UTC
I think if anyone offered her the job, Emma would get another of those very pained faces. :) Agreed. I think she'd be more resistant than she was to sheriff at first. Especially now that she knows who her parents are, she'd probably not want to take an office above them.

HA! Belle would be awesome - in the sense that it'd be hilarious b/c she knows no one.

The timelines are all blurry for me. I really need to do some rewatching to straighten it out in my head a bit.


rodlox October 16 2012, 08:34:36 UTC
>she'd probably not want to take an office above them.
when Regina cast that curse, wasn't Charming still called a Prince?

(whether he's a Prince or a King, there's not many offices above him...maybe "King of Kings, Lord of all Men, Lord of the Four Corners" (Assyrian or Akkadian title attached to the name of a ruler))

>HA! Belle would be awesome - in the sense that it'd be hilarious b/c she knows no one.
...which would be precisely the reason she's the perfect compromise canidate: she hasn't ticked anyone off.

>The timelines are all blurry for me. I really need to do some rewatching to straighten it out in my head a bit.

hopefully you'll have more luck than me...ordering the sequences and what-happened-when is trickiest for me.


lorelaisquared October 16 2012, 16:05:18 UTC
Oh sorry, I wasn't clear. I meant that Emma wouldn't want to rule over her parents.

Ha yeah Belle kinda is the perfect compromise in that way.

Someone needs to make a timeline. That would help! LOL


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