Once Upon a Time 02x02: We Are Both

Oct 08, 2012 06:13

Ha! It seems I haven't made a post to LJ since last week's Once aired. That is because this show has taken over my mind. Even though I watch 27 other shows, this is the one that has been plaguing me with thoughts all week. I've rewatched the premiere about 3 times and I've listened to both the official podcast and the Hypable podcast and I've been gawking at tumblr gifs all week. So needless to say, I was pretty excited for this week's episode.

I have so many thoughts I'm not even sure where to begin. I've actually seen the episode twice already and my brain is just buzzing. My thoughts, in no particular logical order.

- Not enough Snow and Emma. After last week's ending I was most looking forward to how they would be faring, especially given Mulan's visceral reaction, so on my first watch I spent a lot of time being impatient to see them and I admit I missed a bit because of that. The second time around I knew what to expect so I was less anxious

- The bit we did get of Snow and Emma though OMG! Mulan is hard core! And Cora is there!!! Will Snow remember who she is? Will she know not to trust her? AHHHHHH Why did you have to end this way show? I'm looking forward to learning more about this "saved" portion of the enchanted forest.

- I loved all the new backstory we got on Regina. It's amazing how much more to her story there still seems to be. I especially loved all the parallels there were between her and her mother, especially in terms of parenting and trying to control their children. (ETA: This gifset illustrates the parallels perfectly.) And I love that Henry saying "I don't want to be like you" echoed what she said to her mother and also seemed to give her a change of heart about keeping Henry prisoner. It was a nice touch.

- RUMPLE gave Regina her magic, and he seems to have a history with her, and HE KNEW HER AS A BABY. I'm seriously starting to think that perhaps Cora is the Millers daughter from the original tale of Rumplestiltskin making Regina the child promised to Rumple. And given Regina's Storybrooke last name is Mills, it adds another tie that makes me think that there's a connection there. Which begs the question, how did Cora get out of having to give up her daughter? Or did she have to do it and then she got magic and got her back? I feel like there is a lot more of this story to tell.

- Regina pushed her mother through the mirror (god how great was the acting in that scene? Lana Parilla just seems to get better and better). And presumably the Mirror was a portal, but to where? Was it to the bit of the Enchanted forest that was protected? Is she the reason it wasn't affected? Or was it somewhere else? Another land perhaps? I've seen some theories about that maybe she's the Queen of Hearts in Wonderland, but didn't we see her already last season? I don't know. But perhaps she was trapped in a different land? there were lots of doors in Jefferson's hat when we saw it last year, so maybe... EDITED TO ADD: I just came across this theory on tumblr from last season and it makes me think that maybe the Queen of Hearts theory has merit afterall:

- LITTLE SNOW! I loved that they brought her back and I loved the scene they were in. Bailee Maddison is such perfect casting for that role. Her facial expressions throughout the "dream" sequence where Regina told her the truth and then strangled her were just perfect. I was amazed at the mixture of compassion and pain and shock that she managed to convey when she heard about what happened to Daniel. I was actually disappointed when it returned to "reality" and Regina lied instead. In fact, I'm now wondering if that means that Snow still doesn't know what really happened to Daniel (present day) and if perhaps she still doesn't know how dangerous Cora is and might actually trust her!?!?! Eeep, I hope I'm wrong about that. I really do.

- Interesting twist on the curse that if they leave Storybrooke they're basically cursed again. Gold's reaction to that twist was especially interesting to me - I think he was probably planning to go and find Baelfire, and now he can't. His violent reaction after he found out was pretty extreme. I wonder where Belle was in all that? Anyway, this makes me wonder if perhaps the favour he asks of Emma will be to go and find Bae (presuming she a) returns to Storybrooke and b) can still leave) or if Bae is going to show up on his own. I still suspect that the guy we saw in the opening of the premiere is Bae, so if that's the case maybe he's going to come find him on his own.

- I was a bit annoyed by all the name switching in this episode. Especially when it came to Charming. Sometimes he was Charming sometimes he was David. I get that they are both people but I kinda wish they'd just pick one and stick to it because it's confusing. Also, why is everyone calling him Charming? Wasn't that just his nickname from Snow? Or did it like spread once they were married or something?

- Interesting that Charming found Jefferson in an overturned car. Has he been there since the wraiths? Because if so, LOLOL poor thing.

- I kinda love the fact that in his speech about being both characters, Charming acknowledged how flat and boring David was. LOL It kinda validates how I felt about that part of his character last season. On the same note, I'm glad he's not forgetting him either. It is much more interesting to me to see the two characters sort of merge into one. I think it's going to lead to some fascinating character development.

- How incredibly awesome was Ruby/Red in this episode? Whoever decided to promote her to a full time cast member is a genius because I am loving her increased airtime. And her badassery. LOVED the way she was the one to speak up with Regina crashed the "town meeting" and I loved that she was organizing all kinds of help systems for people. I especially loved the way she tore into Charming though. She was awesome in that scene, firm yet still understanding, yet still making remarks about him missing the meeting and such.

- I was a bit perplexed by Charming's reaction to the news that Regina had Henry. He did not seem that concerned. I'm wondering if it's because he trusts her not to hurt him? Or was he just too fixated on finding his wife and daughter? I'm hoping it's the first one. I did like that he went into Regina's house at the end with his sword drawn. That totally made me laugh aloud. And then I was completely shocked when she let Henry go with him. I'm loving this softer side to Regina and I'm hoping we see more of it in the future. I would love to see her go on a journey where she tries to be better but is constantly tempted to return to her old ways. I love that she's not just black and white evil and I love, love, love that Lana Parilla's performance can be chilling one moment and endearing in the next. It's not cut and dry and that is one of my favourite things about this show.

- I still want to know who Doctor Whale really is. I actually pulled my mum's copy of Grimm's Fairytales from the shelf tonight and gave it a skim to see if maybe there were any clues there. I think his name must be significant but other than the Whale in Pinocchio I can't figure out what it could tie to. Unless it's not meant to be taken literally? Maybe it's something like, a whale lives in water and therefore he's from the sea... so maybe he's someone from the Little Mermaid? But who? the Prince? King Triton? Or maybe a Whale is massive and so is a giant and therefore he's the giant from Jack and the Beanstalk? IDK, I feel like I'm grasping at straws here and it's driving me crazy!!!!

once upon a time, episode reaction

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