Dear Yuletide Author

Nov 19, 2011 15:26

I must be crazy for actually doing this, but anyway, here is my letter.


Letter to my Yuletide Author regarding my fandom choices of Being Erica, Scarecrow and Mrs. King, and Anne of Green Gables )

fandom, fic, yuletide

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atatteredrose November 22 2011, 08:06:49 UTC
I promise I'm not your Santa and thus outing myself - just a general Yulegoat out for a stalk but, re: Being Erica


You'll know what I mean when you're done with season 4 :D


lorelaisquared November 22 2011, 11:31:49 UTC
Does that mean you've seen the end of S4 already? Damn now I'm going to be curious about what you mean forever!!! Hee!


atatteredrose November 22 2011, 11:45:22 UTC
Nah, won't even happen for 3 weeks. But I presume there will be even more reasons for *giggles* by the end, and I was trying to avoid any clues at all about when things might be happening... *giggles*

Given the way this show plays, of course, I think we'll ALL be curious about various points, forever and ever. XP


lorelaisquared November 22 2011, 11:54:10 UTC
Ha okay. I'm pretty much up to date on what's aired so far (unless a new ep aired last night? I heard it wasn't happening because of Hockey so I'm unclear now) but I'm LOVING this season so much! I'm so sad it's the last one. And also sad that more fic from it doesn't exist (which is a big reason why I requested it). So far I've only found a handful on A03.

I suspect this will be a show where there are still lots of questions at the end. Which hopefully will inspire all the fic!


atatteredrose November 22 2011, 12:01:24 UTC
Ooh - it sounded like you hadn't started on 4 and I was trying not to say "butbut stuff HAPPENS this season!!!" *g*

Surprise!hockey did preempt us, though now we have a surprise week in which to make things?

Yuletide has always been really good with BE, and I *fingers crossed* it always will be - it has that eternal vibe. Or I shall cry. We're puttering about trying to get some more fic happening at the being_erica comm, or at least collecting prompts - it's always hard to write while a show's playing, especially -this- close to huge reveals!

*KNOCKS ON WOOD* Let's remove the "lots" from that line - questions and ambiguity is good, lots of questions bad - unless they plan on graphic novel follow ups. Otherwise, at least some of us will go quietly loudly nutters!


lorelaisquared November 22 2011, 12:14:35 UTC
Oh sorry, I didn't realize that wasn't clear. I thought I'd made some references to what happened this season in my blurb? Maybe not as blatently as I thought? I was trying not to be too specific since I have a few friends who watch the show who are NOT caught up and I didn't want to spoil them. But yes, so many great things happening this season and I'm liking where it seems to be heading, I think.

I was really hoping I'd get BE for my assignment but even though I got something else if I have time I might poke about and write some BE surprises for people just because! Yeah since seeing the bulk of the show this summer I wanted to write fic but have been at a loss as to what to write, especially since S4 started. I'm have a few niggling ideas that I might develop once we see how things turn out.

Okay, striking lots from my previous comment. They need to answer the important things but it's okay to leave some ambiguity. Is that better?


atatteredrose November 22 2011, 12:47:41 UTC
*rechecks* I definitely got the impression you weren't caught up - you mention Erica getting closer to Doctorhood and Julianne/Brent, but those prompts could easily be from last season - you might want to mention you're caught up (and if you'll be current for the rest of the season) just because if there's any doubt at all your Yule Goat will have to assume you haven't seen it, or else ask :)

Yuletide is so contrary - the past two years I have failed to get assigned Being Erica, yet both years someone was assigned to write it for -me.- You'd think the gods would prefer BE this year, given it's the finale?

There's going to be over a week between the final episode and reveal/madness deadlines - it would be crazy to pepper that with little end-of-series reactions and everything else. People actually read BE at holiday, too ;)

*bows* Thy mightiest of gods shall henceforth forbear from strikingeth you in your sandals. *g*


lorelaisquared November 22 2011, 13:00:47 UTC
Hmm okay I'll go an add a little note to that. Wouldn't want my author worrying about spoiling me by accident. Thank you for catching that! It's true those could refer to the end of S3.

Yeah, I don't really understand how the matching system works but I'm sure that I'll be happy with the results on both sides no matter what. I guess there are a lot of factors that go into matching. I'm glad I don't have to figure it out. I think my head would explode.

I get sad whenever I remember that this show is nearly over :( I love it so.

I suspect the post airing of the finale time will be interesting for sure. I'll have to keep my eye on the comm's and such to see if more stuff pops up. Actually I should check A03 again also, I haven't gone to see if anything new has appeared since the season began airing...


atatteredrose November 23 2011, 07:38:43 UTC
*hearts* your icon :D

It is crazy how brilliant our beloved leaders and staff are - not just coding/maintaining/organizing Yuletide, but the AO3? \o/

Stirring activity in comment fic:

Well, I felt guilty when prplstrawberry beat me to posting, but that still counts *g* I am also, unabashedly, whoring myself out for more plot bunnies/prompts on that thing. My head is empty until someone stuffs something inside, and if I keep typing something has to be good, eh? XP


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