London Blog Update and a Meme! :)

Jul 23, 2011 19:31

It has, quite literally been MONTHS since I updated my "A Canadian In London" blog for my family and friends. So in honour of me having lived in London a YEAR now, I decided to give a proper life update. If you're interested in the haps of my RL in the past year, you're welcome to head over and check it out.

Reply to this meme by yelling 'WORDS!', and I will give you five words that remind me of you.

Then post them in your journal and explain what they mean to you.

karenor gave me these:

Purple, Canada, Gilmore, London, night-owl!


My favourite colour. I like purple and I also happen to wear a lot of purple because it looks good on me. Also, because I had to be frugal about how much clothing I brought with me, I somehow managed to only bring purple coats with me. In the winter I wore lots of layers so people who met me in November during NaNo seem to associate me with purple because I often wore my hoodie, spring jacket and winter jacket - all of them happened to be purple! So um yeah, it's my colour! :)

I was born in Canada and until this past year I lived there my whole life. I'm Canadian through and through. I'm not the most vocally patriotic of people but I like that I'm Canadian and I like my country. We have great things like a red and white flag, an awesome anthem, two official languages, beavers, pretty, colourful money, maple syrup, maple trees etc. Also, Canada is beautiful and I was blessed to have grown up in on of the most beautiful parts of it.

Gilmore Girls is one of my all time favourite TV shows. In fact, it's the show that first really got me into fandom in the first place. It's the show that first inspired me to write fanfic. It's one of those shows that resonates with me on so many levels and it's one that I can watch over and over and not get bored. I'm working my way through a rewatch right now actually and I've been reminded of just how much I love it and why. It's got great actors, even greater writing, quippy dialogue and it never fails to make me laugh. More important than that, in a round about way, this show has affected big things in my life. It led to many really good friendships that I still hold, it's somewhat connected to how I met my flatmate jenepel, it's even partly responsible for my love of Doctor Who! This is show I can see myself always being in some state of rewatch with. I love it dearly and always will.

The city of my present and possibly my future. Believe it or not, before I moved her last summer, I'd never even BEEN here. I love living in London. It's a big city and like all cities there are things about it that drive me crazy (constant transit strikes, it's dirty, way too many tourists), but mostly I love it. It's a beautiful city both in it's pleathora of parks and it's old architecture. The city breathes history and culture. I've been exposed to so many wonderful things culturally since living here. I've been to art museums and history museums and theatre and more. I have access to stuff I never dreamed of in my small life in a tiny city back home. A lot happens in this city and much of it is free which is even better. I love living in London, I really do.


BWAH! Okay yes, I confess I am VERY MUCH a night-owl and very much NOT a morning person. I'm in SUCH the wrong career, aren't I? Teaching is not conducive to late nights and grumpy mornings, but I make it work. Anyway, I've always been like that. Night is my best time, I've had the BEST conversations at 1 am! I've done some of my best writing late at night. For me I'm just better later in the day. I do try to get myself to bed at a reasonable hour, especially when I'm working but lately I've been particularly bad about staying up late. Partly because I now live with someone who is also a night-owl. We're probably a bad influence on each other but at the same time it's also nice to not feel guilty around her that I'm perfectly willing to watch another episode of x show at 1 am... yes, it's quite possible I'm crazy. I'm aware of this! :)

rl, meme, london

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