A rare unlocked introspective moment

Jan 04, 2010 08:59

As I was getting ready for work this morning, I had the bright idea to find an old photo album that I didn't care about anymore, take out the pictures, and use the album book for my 2010 Post-It project (wherein I illustrate 1 post-it per day for all 365 days of 2010. It's a new years resolution! Website forthcoming.) I came across a photo album of my shenanigans almost 10 years ago. As the bf rifled through it (and got to see pictures of ALL the men before him! Hahahaha..um. Ugh.) I kept saying "oh geez, I don't wanna see that, oh man those were my embarrassing years!"

After he finished and left though, I picked it up and went through it myself. True, some pictures make me cringe from the sheer stupidity, and some people in the pictures have since fallen off the map one way or another. But unexpectedly, the pictures brought me happiness. Happy that I had such fun in those days. Happy that I LOOKED so happy. And a tiny bit of pride to see where I've come since then.

I've spent a lot of time running away from past things, and trying to forget about past mistakes (and dear god, there are a lot of them). But I think they're something to embrace, stupidity and all. I can't disown things that define me and are going to always be a part of my life, so instead I will cherish and appreciate them for what they are.

As my Livejournal is roughly as old as the pictures I looked thorugh were, I thought it appropriate to post here. :) Happy New Year, I hope it's a great 2010 for all of you...

Those who I have had the pleasure of knowing in the past, thank you for helping define who I am. I will cherish the memories.
All of you whom I have the honor of being with presently, thank you for being there. I love you guys.
And to all of you whose paths have not yet crossed with mine, I am looking forward to it. :)

In another 10 years I'll look here and think I was such a sappy fool, I know it. XD

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