Oct 13, 2005 10:55
Well I was gonna pick up where I left off last week, but I had to wade through 4 e-mail from some woman before I could get here. I don't have time to respond to all of them. This bitch box costs me money. Money I could be spending on booze or coffee. My lifeblood.
Look. Connie. Or whoever you are.
I don't give a shit if you believe me or not. It's not my mission to validate my existence for you and your little project. Yes, I did talk with Mark Condry. I'm gettin to that. As for proof or whatever you're looking for from me -- did you not read the bottom entry here? The proof is GONE. I can't even prove I was a resident in Idaho anymore. Either you believe me, or you don't. Put up a link if you want to. Get the word out. Let people decide for themselves.
No way in hell am I gonna meet you somewhere. I didn't survive this long by being stupid.
If you want, I can describe Mark for you. I can do that much. I'll send that your way.
As for my last entry, with the formulas, I just wanted to get that written down before I forgot. I'll talk about them more later. Some of it is speculation. Some of it I've seen with my own eyes.
I'm not playing tic tac toe, so none of this xo shit,
- LM