(no subject)

Dec 25, 2003 17:14

christmas ended up being pretty good, i went to my cousin's with my aunt and uncle.  my rents stayed home and rested...so in other words i had a good time because i was in a different place than them.  my cousin tracey, and i think her daughters too, made this magnet for me.  it's thick, and it's a picture of me from like a year and a half ago, it was like two days before sophomore year.  it's me with a microphone and it's from this night in rhode island when all the family was there for my ucles retirement, and the girls were at the cottage while the guys were out and we did this karioke and i DOMINATED.  hahaha, it's the best present eva.  well, at least since i pretty much got nothing, it's my favorite one this year, cuz it reminds me of fun times.  it's also of me in this skirt that i swear to god my mom stole cuz she thought it was too slutty...I WANT IT BAAACK. ahhh.  ok, merry christmas.
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