Jan 17, 2001 10:42
Should I change it to the correct one or not? That is a most demaning question. I can see only one advantage, namely the removal of confusion. For most people the date of the entry is of little value and maybe even the mystery of the date will cause them to keep coming back - perish the thought. What I see as the main problem is, that, if I change it, subsequent visitors will be utterly ccnfused by this and my previous entries. "What's this guy going on about the date for? There's nothing wrong with it". If I decide to change it, I'd better do it now though as I think I have to do each entry manually. I still don't understand how this could happen to me. Existing entries which had the correct date suddenly changed. I could understand why the time on the server would have an influence while posting an entry but why would existing ones be modified as well? I'll decide today what to do. I wish life weren't so hard.
I frightened myself last night. No, I wasn't looking in the mirror again. I was watching tv and because it was so crap I got up and did some 442. I had no problem watching rubbish on TV before so hopefully this is a sign that my course is becoming more appealing to me. Yeah right!