Jun 20, 2006 11:06
I just got back from my 9:00am english exam and I KICKED ITS ASS.
I studied the the wrong things and this was the first time this semester that I ever acctualy showed up at 9 but if i dont get perfect on it ill have been totally ass-raped robbed.
feeling pretty golden right now. Acctualy looking forward to my dreaded drawing exam at 2. Then ill be done with school this year. so hot.
so hot.
Update on my moving to Vancouver status:
So far it looks like ill be leaving early august but some of my stuff will be going very soon, as in like a week or two. Will prolly have the going away party in The Bistro on colledge. Don't worry they dont card. So come get drunk with me and Jordan one last time *sniff*.
Also posted on my myspace so if you havent yet add wwant. Ok? ok.
Also i have resently discovered the pixies are the sex so listen to them cause they are.