Nov 09, 2020 22:58
I did not grow up an orphan. To spare you a long sob story, I grew up an emotional orphan. It's not the same thing; I promise that I don't go chumming around with actual orphans, pretending to be one of their own.
In fact, the more I type the word "orphan", the more I suspect it might be one of those words we're trying to drop from the language.
But anyway, I was watching one of the 8000 terribly white Hallmark Christmas movies off the TiVO tonight and a character was describing having to take care of herself and I thought, "yeah".
That's why I like stories about people choosing to be family. Sometimes we're all alone, sometimes we're a little alone, and sometimes we wish we were alone. The people we choose not to be alone with are your real family. Blood related or not.
love, lore