Grades for Last Weeks Shows (Mostly Season Premieres)

Sep 25, 2006 17:19


Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip - A- - It's tough to give a pilot anything higher than an A-. The characters aren't developed yet, and there's just too much overhyping the same great lines all summer long that gets annoying. Regardless, Studio 60 made a splash last week, showing off a ridiculous cast and Sorkin's trademark writing style. The control room scenes felt like SportsNight (a good thing), and the dialouge was witty and excellent. Studio 60 is staying on my season pass, and it's probably the best new show this season. Oh, and the title is too long, "Studio 60" will suffice.


House - A- - House returned to it's previous form after two slightly-above-average episodes. It had a great storyline, and the secondary storyline was pretty funny, but dragging it out to next episode gets a thumbs down here. Regardless, House is one of the best dramas on TV, and it's still witty and clever.

Law and Order: SVU - B+ - A big twist ending is certain to rile up the SVU crowd for the next few weeks, but I think it was clever/interesting, but we'll see how well they deal with it. Having just recently got into this, and having watched the earlier seasons on DVD, I find the Benson/Stabler not-really-partners-anymore thing unfortunate, it's a whole lot of the show's chemistry.


Jericho - C - I had high hopes for this "US gets nuked and chaos ensues" series, but it's just way too over-the-top. The dramatic moments are well done, but the "action" sequences are ridiculous. The cast is pretty mediocre too. I mean... the guy from "Promised Land" as the mayor? Ya...

Forensic Files - B - Forensic Files started off their season with a pretty decent story. It had some big twists, but overall it wasn't anything really exciting. I enjoy the stories, as well as the narration, and I've got this bad boy DVRing anytime it's on (including reruns) trying to catch up with all the ridiculous crimestopping they do.


The Office - A+...+ - The Office is probably the best show on TV right now. Hands down. The basic premise of the episode was Michael (the boss) outed a gay employee, and then trying to make ammends, ending in one of the most awkward/funny kisses in television history. The Pam/Jim storyline was handled maturely, and his move is not too distracting yet, but it'll be a lot better if he moves back to Scranton. Finally, the last scene with Dwight and the Gaydar was one of the funniest things I've seen on TVs in years. Check this show out if you haven't, you won't regret it.
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