Nov 07, 2011 00:42
Okay, so, Tom is a Legilimens. Legilimency is basically magical mind reading, and Tom is really damn good at it, even at sixteen. It requires eye contact, so it's strictly an in-person thing in Igura, but Tom will be using it.
Once he can. It's a power, so it won't be at full strength for a while. He won't be delving into anyone's head just yet.
But, his particular skill with Legilimency (and just being him in general) means he can almost always tell if someone is lying to him. And that will be staying. He is also suspicious of everyone and extremely attentive to everything, so this ability is as much from tone of voice/expression/inconsistency in what's being said as it is Legilimency (he just uses Legilimency to be absolutely sure). So what I need from you is:
Is there anything about your character that might keep him from knowing they're lying?
Are they an amazingly talented actor? Are they skilled at blocking out psychic attacks? Are they completely vulnerable to this sort of thing? Please let me know!