Apr 07, 2005 13:02
My cousin has ovarian cancer. The took the mass off of her overies and gave her a histerectamy (sp?) They told her that she has stage 3 cancer. Here's the problem...
My cousin has lupus. My cousin has 4 kids. My cousin has been living off the government for about 3 years now, because she is going to BSU to get her teaching certificate because he ex husband left her, to which she found out after he left her for another woman that he was really into child pornography... AND SHE HAS 4 KIDS UNDER THE AGE OF 12! He told her she would never amount to anything, just a stay at home mother. Well, she was about one quarter away from graduating, and boom, ovarian cancer.
She also doesn't have any insurance. So not only is she in the worst state for health care (idaho) they are even more lacking because she doesn't have insurance. (i.e they told her she has stage 3 cancer, and they haven't even taken any ct scans or bone scans, and it is imposible to know what stage of cancer she is in without those) Boise killed my grandma, I don't want them to kill my cousin.
I don't know how many LJ people are aware of medical things, but there has to be some way she can get some good cancer care here, even though she doesn't have insurance... I mean seattle of all places, one of the greatest places to be if you have cancer. There has to be a way. So if anyone knows ANYTHING please let me know so I can look into it. thank you.