adam you should have stopped in the middle of the intersection, got out the car all pissed off and layed down the A B C's. That bitch wouldda shut her cocksuckin mouth. Ok now for the best solution. Get out the car all pissed off and walk up to her window. When she lowers her window punch her in the face when she starts talkin shit. Waste no time and unlock the door, then proceed to open the door and pull her out the car by her hair throw her face at the door so she hits it on the way to the ground. Crying, bloody and making pussy sounds punch her in the stomach so she cant move. Then kick her rib in disabling her. Shove her ass under the car by kicking (the rib shot will do it if ur smooth). Then climb (note climb) up into the "driver's" seat and pull that bitch in reverse. She will easily be crushed by her monstrosity of a car and if she opted for the saftey feature (my god you know she did), you wont even feel a thing, the shocks will roll over the artic tundra easily if desired. Now lean your body forward and the car should automatically shift into Drive. Be shure to keep the door open so you can tell when you are on top of her carcase and turn the wheel serveral times all the way to the right, then all the way to the left. If you look behind you, you will see "the kids" , not to worry, this is gonna be easy. Take the shortest one and open it's mouth. As you wedge the kid between the driver's seat and the floor shove the gas pedal down the kid's throat. Jump off the car and watch it speed off into a tree. Not to worry, with all the saftey airbags the kids will not die from impact, rather suffocate from plastic airbags getting caught in their throats. kthx
hahahahhaha oh man i should have done that totally. or if i was the Flash, when she waved me on, i could have immediately gotten out of my ride and been at her window, grabbed the hand she so graciously was waving me on with, broken it at the wrist, then ripped her from the window (with her seatbelt still on) so that only her arm and maybe some of her torso came out of the car. then drop what came off onto the windshield and headthrust the kids in the backseat, cos that'll be enough until Ian the Barbarian shows up to finish the job.
since I am clairvoyant, I've actually been hiding in the "Cargo area" since the bitch left her (husband's) house. Then, I'll jump in the driver's seat and pilot (not drive) the SUV back to the house. I'll make the little girl jump out, run into the house and grab her little gerbal that she probably calls Mr Sillyhead, and I'll shove it in the tail pipe. Then I'll take one brother and tie him to the basketball pole and the other and tie him to the mail box. With the SUV in the middle of the two, I'll put in into Neutral and make her decide slip it into either drive or reverse.
whitchever one she picks, I'll obviously kill the other one, just so the one who was supposed to die can know that she liked the other one better.
whitchever one she picks, I'll obviously kill the other one, just so the one who was supposed to die can know that she liked the other one better.
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