Sleep, work, learn, sleep

May 23, 2007 06:02

My schedule since last Thursday has looked something like this:

03:00 - Hit snooze button repeatedly.
03:30 - Actually get up. Shave, brush teeth, shower.
04:15 - Brush and braid hair, check email, check Azureus, prep something for lunch to take with me.
04:30 - Close down laptop, pack bag with lunch, homework, and computer. Grab a chocolate from the big bag a friend got me, get in the car.
04:40 - Get signed in at work. Work for a while. IF TIME = WEEKEND, GO TO 17:00
09:00 - Shift is over, walk to campus.
09:15 - Classroom is empty prior to class, take half an hour to check email again and review reading for the day.
09:45 - First class: Minority Groups with Dr. Fry. (Yes, the same Dr. Fry I've been taking classes with for a year.) This class rocks so far. I'm a bit leery of the focus we seem to be taking (minorities as ethnic/racial minorities), but that's where almost all the research has been done so I can deal.
11:15 - Walk across campus to take Criminology and Criminal Justice. I'm not super-excited about this class. I think it will be somewhat interesting, but I'm also pretty sure that I know almost everything that we're going to discuss already. It's the entry-level CRIM class, and a major requirement, so I'm not surprised much. Eat lunch in this class.
13:00 - Walk across campus (again, the other way) to take Contemporary Sociological Theory. A poorly named class indeed. I mean, while important, Marx, Weber, and Durkheim aren't precisely contemporary theorists. Despite having my hopes for some, you know, contemporary theory dashed, I do think I'm going to enjoy the material. I could use a good grounding in Weber and Durkheim, and a review of Marx wouldn't be bad. Of course that means we need to get through our interminable review of the history of Western thought. We've now spent six hours of class going from Plato through the French Revolution. I think we're almost done and can get on with the actual sociology.
14:45 - Get out of class and walk back to work to pick up my car. Do any driving-related errands (like shopping). Go back to the apartment.
16:00 - Get home. Check email, begin reading for classes, maybe take time to eat. Possibly watch an episode of something I've downloaded. Maybe read a comic book.
18:30 - Put away work, check email and Azureus, go to sleep.

That's been my life since classes started. I actually have two days off back to back coming up, and they happen to be Saturday and Sunday. I'm sort of reeling at the idea of not having to do anything. It's a good feeling.

So, that's why you haven't heard from me in a while.

Coming soon (I hope): A more detailed report on classes, the funny story of the utterly sloshed drunk girl who wandered into my 09:45 class on Thursday, musings about a possible grad school writing sample (tentatively entitled "The Tyranny of the First Reply").


school, real life, schedule, work, dispatch

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