#058 Contemplation, Meditation, Zen etc.

Apr 07, 2009 19:50

No one learns contemplation through talk, study, lectures or intellectual activity. Contemplation is the fruit of personal practice and experience. The experience is primarily the personal realization of the inseparable Wholeness of the Divine. Contemplation is non-discursive in nature, non-dualistic in nature. Talk, study, lectures and intellectual activity, are dualistic by nature. You can't learn guitar from reading about it, you have to put your fingers on the thing.

You just can't say anything about it - not this, not that. It's a dilemma.

Words cannot say, words fail.

We won't find anything we truly need on the internet. No genuine encounters happen there, and genuine encounters are the only ones that can relieve us of our loneliness and isolation - Willigis Jager

If only the oneness of consciousness could be glimpsed for just a moment - thunder!

meditation, x-ianity, non-dualism, zen, heresy

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