#041 Another Goddess Dream

Oct 11, 2007 15:41

last night I drank too much coffee before bed and when I went to sleep I kept waking up every few minutes. So eventually I "woke up" in the dream. I contacted Ariadne and she appeared in the dream on my left side. She started showing me things. She was revealing all these women who had been raped. The first image was a woman in the hospital and I got the feeling that she was in the emergency room getting examined some time after being raped. She was about 40 years old with bushy brown hair. She was crying in anguish. I could see her lips moving but I couldn't hear what she was saying.

The next image was a woman who was so violently abused after being raped that she needed stitches. She was bruised on her face and thighs.
I asked Ariadne why she was showing me these things and she said, so you can become more aware.

The third image was actually a flurry of images, of women in pain, crying or hurting in some way. They were flying by very quickly. I asked Ariadne why I was seeing this. She said it was all the women who were abused today. I asked her why she was showing me all these things. She said because she wants me to be an "up-lifter" ? of women. I can't remmeber the actual word she used, it was sort of like supporter, or uplifter, or beneficant, some word i don't usually hear.

This reminded me of my dream of Isis. I asked Ariadne if she was a manifestation of Isis she said yes but that she wasn't Isis.

dreams, goddess, heresy

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