Oct 07, 2007 09:12
Last night I woke up in the wee hours of the darkest part of the night feeling really good. I haven't felt this way since well before my operation. I felt relaxed and I could breathe easily.
I started thinking about the dual nature of Divinity and what God means to me. I use the term "God or Goddess" to mean a metaphor for that which is unknown, beyond thought and knowledge, that includes the whole universe.
I fell back to sleep and had dream. here was an image of me in the center of another being. This being was actually two beings partially joined, splitting off at the head and neck. The God/Goddess was split down the middle the "evil" or dark side splitting off to the left and the saintly side to the right. The God/Goddess was sewing itself back together. The left being was male, with a a pitch black face and evil looking sneer. The being of light was female, with a a halo of light emanating from her face. She was so holy it was hard to look into her eyes, she was so perfect and powerful it left an ache in my heart.
I was standing inside of the God/Goddess and she/he formed a an energy that surrounded me, but much bigger than me. My head only came up to the navel of the being. I felt that the beings where the parts of me that extended into other dimensions.
Interpretation of the Dream: For a human being to "wake up" or "ressurect" to their own divinity, there can't be any inner judgment. A person must accept themselves completely as they are, the light and the dark are equal partners. You can't get rid of your animal side, your lust anger, hate, pride and any of the other so called deadly "sins". It's also a mistake to reject piety and holiness. The two sides, the idealistic side and animal side must be integrated into the everyday consciousness.
Western thought & religion teaches you that you are separate from God. To get to God you have to reject one side or the other, the light, the dark or both. Atheists can reject the notion of being part of a greater whole, but this can close one off to the divine experience. Satanism tends to reject the light side of divinity.
As to the roaming of sages,
They move in utter emptiness,
Let their minds meander in the great nothingness;
They run beyond convention
And go through where there is no gateway.
They listen to the soundless
And look at the formless,
They are not constrained by society
And not bound to its customs.
- Lao-tze