#031 Test Tube Babies are Immaculate

May 02, 2007 21:47

They used to think a long time ago that original sin was transmitted to a persons soul when their parents had sex. SO they had to come up with an elaborate explanation to justify how Jesus could be the God made flesh.

So they invented the ideas of the Immaculate conception and the Virgin birth. The Immaculate Conception is a Roman Catholic dogma holding that from the first instant of its creation, the soul of the Virgin Mary was free from original sin; this doctrine is not to be confused with that of the Virgin Birth, which holds that Jesus was born of a virgin mother. The immaculate conception of Mary allowed her to be conceived without sin so her womb would be free of corruption so God could have a nice clean place to Incarnate in.

So Logically a person who is conceived in a test tube is conceived immaculately and therefore free of original sin right?

x-ianity, heresy

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