Apr 03, 2006 15:09
I met with Reuven, the head of our program, yesterday, to discuss my script.
He has problems with it. He thinks it’s a little too predictable and doesn’t have enough development, but he can’t put his finger on where it goes wrong or how it could be improved. He said he wants Dubi, a professor and head of the film department, to read it, as he is good in “analyzing” screenplays. He said he’d talk to me later this week, and in the meantime he said I should start production.
I'm all scribbled out on this screenplay. It’s been around for months now, it’s in it’s third draft and is hardly different then when I started out on it - I’m not big on the rewrites.
I've sent it out to my Eitan Green class and maybe we'll discuss it in class this Thursday - even though I'm not a big fan of discussing screenplays in a million different venues, and this one's been through Gabizon's class, Ilan Moshinzon, Reuven and Now Dubi as well.
On the good side, he has no problem with me shooting the movie with the HDV camera, which is good. The department bought the camera a few months ago and it’s a vast improvement on the DV cameras they own. It’s no film, but it’s better quality, and I wasn’t planning on using film anyway.
I met with Nomi to discuss the work that has to be done. I am SO psyched she came on as producer, because up to now I never had someone I could count on to help me run the show, and having her on top of things just puts my mind at ease.
We should be starting talking to drama programs at schools any day now and start the casting process for my two leads.