Sep 20, 2005 09:28
One must be fluent. I have reread this morning a short story I have roughly finished not long ago and now have to edit (I write most chaotically, so my stories tend to need lots of editing, in way of moving sentences around, adding missing bits, deciding which of the alternative sentences and words I put in parenthesis works best, and so on and so forth).
I am not a very good writer of prose, simply because I am not a very good reader. But I like doing it from time to time, and I want to get better at it. some day, hopefully, I may even be able to do it professionaly. But now I've got a short story on my hands which I think is not bad, and I notice that the parts which I feel work best are the ones most accurately described as Gracefully Written. Graceful prose.
It isn't stuck and it's not whizzing from effort, but instead it flows and it dances (ok, maybe not dances. but it flows. gracefully).
Like a trained dancer who's hands and feet know how to move and where to go, a good writer's words now how to move, how to align themselves in the best possible configurement.
I like that. When one sees that some part of his prose flows, all he must do is find a way to make *all* the parts work...
I will now, gracefully, shut up.