Gotta love Microsoft...

May 31, 2009 12:35

From the Washington Post, a little note for users of FireFox in the Windows environment.

Apparently, the .NET update automatically installs its own Firefox add-on that is difficult -- if not dangerous -- to remove, once installed.

Ouch., which lists various aspects of Windows that are, well, annoying, says 'this update adds to Firefox one of the most dangerous vulnerabilities present in all versions of Internet Explorer: the ability for Web sites to easily and quietly install software on your PC.


So now you users of Firefox on Windows can enjoy the same "features" as users of Internet Exploder. Can't you just FEEL the love Microsoft has for their clientèle?

The annoyance is I've switched friends and family over to Firefox from IE to avoid this sort of danger, and now if they've got .net, they've got this danger right back again. Idiot Microsoft programmers.

(Thanks to Wally Bass at the SCOX message board on Investor Village for bringing this little piece of ill-thought-out nonsense to our attention...)
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