Dad's passing was peaceful: up until an hour before, he was awake, alert, aware and advising his minister on which form to fill out and submit by November 30 to ensure the church didn't have to overdeduct for taxes on Reverend Bill's paycheque. Then, protest against being gouged by overeager tax officials completed, he lost consciousness and gently slipped the surly bonds of Earth.
I can't tell you how fitting that ending is.
Margaret is taking it about as well as can be expected. She's tired but grateful.
The visitation is Thursday from 2-4 PM and 7-9 PM, and the funeral is Friday at 11:00, with a luncheon at Centennial Albert United Church after interment.
For more details, check out
McIntosh-Anderson's website.
For those of you coming from Toronto, the simplest instructions are to take Highway 2 through Oshawa's downtown core - the funeral home is located just the far side of the core. The funeral home is on your left, just after the synagogue.