May 02, 2003 01:45
Yes, it is time to update.
For all of you who are still out there, please direct everyone back to my lovely journal, as I will be using it more oft' in the future.
Let's see. Well, some of you, I have lost touch with, and that's no good. I am sorry for how unavailable I have been lately. As many of you know,[]REDACTED. My revenge on him will be very complex and wicked, I assure you.
So now I work in the marketing department for a security company. While being in marketing does allow me to work closer to unadulterated *evil* than I have previously, it is not exciting by any means. My computer (remember? the one I was going on about last year being "better than yours") exploded in a fiery hail of binary detritus a month or two ago, and I am only now fashioning it back into something approaching rad-tastic. It has been a difficult year so far, this 2003.
But slowly, ever so slowly, I have regained my center. I am hoarding money when I can, and I just got a raise at work. I nursed my ego-wounds for a few months, and now I am nearly ready to begin anew my hideous and unwholesome designs on the free world. Wish me luck!