Aug 01, 2001 12:08
Quel curiosite! Otakon has crept up on me, and despite my love of it, I hardly noticed! I leave next week, and the preparations are all in order. My room, my press passes, and most of the attendees in my, er, party, have all been lined up. I know it's late, but I'd still like to line up a rediculous costume to wear, you know? It's just a con staple. Wearing rediculous costumes to anime conventions is a sacred Dork tradition that I am loath to break. I'd really love to pull off a decent Captain Tyler, considering what an auspicious event this is. I am confident that this year's Otakon may well be the BEST CON EVER. A tall order, but beating AX isn't actually all that hard. ^_^
In a completely unrelated story, I'm going to have lunch with Reno. Hot dates with Reno are rad, and I don't see her nearly enough these days. I need to get out more. Working is really taking up too much time; maybe if I became a hobo or a pirate I would have more free time.
****EXCITING MONEY NEWS!!!!!!******
As many of you know, I am very much in debt to assorted credit card companies. The worst of these are Hurley State Bank and the manacing company called only "The Associates." I'm not shitting you; I need to make out checks to "The Associates." I imagine them sitting around a table in a dark room like SEELE, or in hoods like The Big Fire. Anyway, these pig-fuckers at The Associates charged off my account yesterday. Jesus christ, do they know who I am? ^_^;;; I mean seriously, what did I ever do to deserve that, besides not pay them? Oh well, I didn't really need any credit at all for the next ten years, eh? I still have my dear friends at MBNA (Pete works there, up in Scary Maine. I love Pete, that wacky guy.) and even better, my incredibly rich friend Rob, who simply MUST be fabulously wealthy because he owns a Video Store. That's my take on it, anyway. I sure hope I don't end up being Poor.
My main problem is that I live beyond my means, and I always have. I'm a video store clerk, not a lawyer or drug dealer; I don't make a whole shitload of money. But I still drink champagne and eat oysters; something had to give somewhere, I suppose. I don't think I'll start living all that more modestly now, though. I mean, it's already charged off, so I can't do anything, eh? I guess I'll drown my sorrows in Filet Mignon and Pinot Grigio, ou quelquechose comme ca.
When I have secure control over the U.S. Government, and I will, the first thing I will do is liquidate those fuckers The Associates.