Oct 14, 2003 13:14

Perhaps you are wondering why I am listening to the Horst Wessel Lied. No, sillies, I have not become a skinhead or a National Socialist. Ha ha ha ha! I will tell you why, my eggs.

I am listening to the Horst Wessel Lied and Deutchland Uber Alles, and alternating them with songs by Chris Burke (retarded Corky from "Life Goes On") with the speakers aiming out the window. I am playing all of these songs loudly, and repeating them. In doing this I hope to make the day less pleasant for the construction workers who are remodeling the house next door. Every morning they wake me up with their hydro-hammers and wrenchamabobs, their sandifier and accursed drillomatic hole punchers. Right next to my head, they make godawful noise with many whizzings and suchlike. And now, as I sit before my INTARWEB TERMINOL and type this to you, it is Construction Man Lunch Time, and I am providing them with edutainment of the highest order to consume their bologna with. I peek through my venetian blinds at them, and they look so confused and annoyed, even sad. I am successful!

It is not a good idea to wake me up with power tools.

Does anyone have any other ideas on what other kinds of music would be jarring and irritating?

Also, my ears hurt. My plan may have a slight downside.
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