Jul 31, 2009 05:39
So, work lately has been one of two things. It has either been nonexistant because of hours cuts (day off = yay, but the induced poverty = not so yay), or the flip side of the coin, dealing with some of the worst psychotics that I have ever seen.
Rant 1: What do we do with these hardcore psychotics? We're talking about someone who is barely recognizable as human in a human body. No control over thoughts, actions, or even basic biological functions. Seriously. One example (there have been several at work lately) had to remain restrained for 20+ hours. That's a record. Now, contemporary society calls for some moral, humanistic approach. Whatever the creedence is "Oh, they're human! Poor thing! Be nice to them! Cure them!". A quote comes to mind, from a one Dr. Hannibal Lecter, commenting on his own condition: "A rational society would have found some use for me or destroyed me." (Can't remember if that one was from Red Dragon or Silence of the Lambs). People seem to intrinsically demand some kind of humanistic approach to everything these days, when in earlier eras, people like those afformentioned psychotics would have probably been put to the sword in some form or another, or die in the wilds due to their inability to support themselves. Today, they become afterthoughts of state budgeting in order to simply contain them or test out some pharmacudical market on. To those around them, they become a black hole of time, energy, emotion, and often, money while at the same time being an icon of some semblance of moral piety. Call me cynnical, burned out, or anything else and you're probably right, but I've seen far too many cases of people being reduced to something less than human, whatever the cause. All we do is simply contain them. Is that even living? Sure, some of them make breakthroughs and clear up, comparitively, but the instant they come off a buffet of chemicals, they revert. Mind you, when not contained, these people are out among you :) But these are the same creatures that shoot up schools, or rape someone, or crap on a sidewalk. Call me darkened even, but why do we not just simply destroy them? That's how I bloody feel this week. I guess I'm just tired of being on the frontlines for people like this, and even a bit frightened when I see one let back into the world. I hate hanging out in some parts of Indiana for fear of running into old patients. It's happened at least once to all of us (in my two cases, one was a passing nod, the other was the parent of a patient at my favorite bloody bar, whom I managed to dodge).
I ran out of steam for another rant, but that needed out. I may rethink it later, and go back to some of my more moral roots, but yeah. I'm freaking burned out at my job, bottom line.