Apr 07, 2011 11:47
So I think by now everyone knows that Jessica and I broke up over winter break, it sucked, i cried.. the end. I went back to Tech, dealt with all the sorority stuff and tried to see the light again and eventually expressed an interest to get back in the dating realm. My friend Sara set up a blind date with this girl named Laura, who happens to be her girlfriend's ex... I know, weird right? We go out on a few dates and I automatically feel a connection between us, we have plenty of the same interests and actually were both in Chorus back when Naomi and I took chorus(I'm always amazed that at such a big school, stuff like this happens all the time). We've been dating for about 2 months now and I'm crazy about her. I've never been with someone that knows how to communicate and share as easily as she does and it makes me feel so secure about everything. However, we've been taking this really slow, which is probably smart since we've both had terrible break-ups but at the same time I'm always wondering whether I feel more for her than she does for me. Currently, she lives with her ex and Sara pretty much is an unofficial roommate... Sara and Olivia(ex) literally have sex almost everyday, while we're there and it's really awkward and inconsiderate, because they don't even try to quiet themselves. I don't know how to explain this, because I can't understand it, but for some reason Laura and Olivia have decided to live together AGAIN next year... Why on earth would you want to live with your ex again?? It's beyond me.. I try not to let the uncertainty and jealousy get to me, but sometimes it's a bit much to try to ignore. I'm hoping that eventually she'll move on completely and want to be my girlfriend and everything with it, but I'm also terrified that she won't? Until I know more about how she feels, I guess I just have to take this one day at a time... oh life