Oct 05, 2006 17:37
"That sounds like some kind of Nazi word."
"Mmhmm, it's German. It means 'happiness at the suffering of others.'"
"'Happiness at the suffering of others,' wow that IS German."
Lines from musicals aside, my sister came by and this time I didn't stay out of sight. I asked her if my nana had told her the news that I was working now and she told mom mentioned it to her during one of her visits to my mom's. But what I didn't know (and only found out after she just left) was that she'd been laid off from her job (possibly from not coming in when she was supposed to). So yeah, I'm feeling pretty good about myself considering how much she berated me about not having a job and when I finally do she's out of one.
In other work issues, I worked noon to 4 today (and will do so tomorrow). It was pretty easy to do, but this one guy came in with like 30 Cash 3 & Cash 4 sheets; enough to make the printer jam. Lottery and gas is easy, the only thing I'll need to work on is knowing the people with accounts and familiarizing myself with the prices for things (like the fact water is taxed as a soft drink O.O).
Regarding things like FWA, I'm relieved to know I'll probably be able to get a guy to cover me for that morning.
Lastly, I get fountain drinks and coffee for free (but I only drink soda; and that's if I can find a straw).
In other news, if anyone reading this is planning on getting me something for Christmas let me know so I can get you something too. And as an aside; Sage, if you've got your choice of either the booster pack or that single big black dragon, I'd prefer the Black Dragon.