Review of the Year 2008

Feb 02, 2009 21:07

Author's note: I realise that this post is horribly late as a review of 2008, but it's only now that the election period is over that I have the time or the mental capacity to think about anything else! My apologies for the delay, and here it goes...

What did you do in 2008 that you'd never done before?

I made several very positive advances along the modern day Course of Honour this year, including standing in my first public election, for Didsbury West ward on Manchester City Council in the May municipal elections. It was a good start, because although at that time we were not a target seat and only had the resources for one three-colour leaflet, with a good deal of help from my friends I did get one through every door (barring the ones we couldn't find!) and achieved the first increase in our vote in a decade. Later, as a result of the truly sad death of Cllr Neil Trafford, I was re-selected to contest the ward in a by-election this January, marking a successful resolution of my first selection contest. I also attended my first Party Conference, which was itself a great success and included a creditable performance in a public speaking competition which my friend Matt Hague kindly attended in support. Speaking of Matt, he and I attended a Japanese wrestling show in Coventry, and in January we'll be going to TNA in Manchester. What else? Well, I kicked off my third parallel career, as a columnist and feature writer for The View magazine, I started attending and was later appointed to the committee of my local residents' association, I continued to campaign locally on matters of public importance - including helping to defeat Labour's congestion charge - and was elected to my first significant position in the Conservative Party, as Chairman of Greater Manchester Conservative Future (and with that was given a seat on the Party's area committee for Greater Manchester). Oh yes, and in January I met the Leader of the Opposition, David Cameron - and in December, he sent me a Christmas card!

Did you keep new year's resolutions and will you make more next year?

No, again I don't go in for new year's resolutions.

Did anyone close to you give birth?

We're not close, exactly, but I was very pleased to hear of the birth of Rachel's happy, healthy son.

Did anyone close to you die?

No, although the death of Cllr Trafford was a depressing shock, as he was highly respected in our community among members of all parties.

What countries did you visit?

I did leave the country in 2008 for the first time in four years, on a wonderful holiday to Johanna's house in Sweden! We all had a wonderful time, exploring both the wilds of the countryside around her compound and the sights and sounds of Stockholm. It was a super trip, and couldn't have gone any better,

What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008?

Here the record, alas, remains broken: although I was for one brief interval in a relationship mid way through the year, I still haven't managed to find myself a partner. I'm happier about my current situation than I was one year ago, and the future does look sunnier, but this really is something I want to get sorted out. The other thing I really want is a permanent job off the Co-operative Group's graduate programme; I know that I have so much to contribute, but I really do need an opportunity, and the situation is starting to become critical.

What dates from 2007 will remain etched in your memory and why?

New Year's day, my first new year's party with my friends here in Manchester.

Visiting Emily et al. in York.

My birthday, which I spent very pleasantly in St Andrews, and the subsequent student elections.

Election day, putting a cross next to my own name as the Conservative Party candidate in my first public election.

The day of the first 1PW wrestling show I attended with Matt, when I first met up with the young lady I would later be going out with for a fairly short time. I also got to see the Sandman wrestle, and at later shows would see Misawa Mitsuharu, Morishima Takeshi, Bryan Danielson, Nigel McGuiness (not for the first time), Kenta Kobashi and, in a personal appearance, Ric Flair.

Rob Largan's birthday party, when I first met Adele.

The trip to Sweden, and each and every day of it.

My appearance on BBC Question Time.

Going to see Witches of Eastwick on tour in Manchester with Victoria, and the formation and many more meetings of our (totally) exclusive DVD Club.

The Conservative Party Conference.

Moving into my new flat.

The trip to the Conservative Future Scotland annual conference, which Victoria and I made together.

What was your biggest achievement of the year?

I think this would have to be a tie between gaining our first increase in the vote share in Didsbury West for a decade, being re-selected to contest the ward in next year's by-election and being elected Chairman of Greater Manchdester Conservative Future.

What were your biggest failures this year?

This would have to be the failure to get a permanent job in the Co-operative Group. Luckily this will be expunged when I finally do get one, which will hopefully be soon, but I do wish it had happened by now. Meanwhile the failure of my relationship with the young lady I've alluded to was not something I regard as a personal failure, so although the situation wasn't ideal it's not something I've lost any sleep over. The other thing that vexed me was the failure of Royce's campaign for DoSDA, which I managed. I don't really think the loss was something I could have done much about, but it was particularly annoying that I was laid up in bed with some terrrible stomach upset on the day of the election, unable to help out other than with a few phone calls.

Did you suffer illness or injury?

No, apart from that day in St Andrews, thankfully nothing serious.

What was the best thing you bought?

Apart from the tickets to Sweden and for the other trips I've taken, and the deposit and rent on my flat, the best material purchase this year would be the device I'm using to type this post, my Asus Eee PC 900. What an excellent little device it is, and in nearly new second hand condition it cost me less than the 700, the first generation, would have cost new. Pretty good deal, as far as I'm concerned!

Whose behaviour merited celebration?

As always, very many people, but off the top of my head I'll go with Victoria, her parents, Johanna, her parents, Sarah-Louise, her parents, Tom, Adele, Kylie, Niall, Royce, Matt (two of them), Dave (two of them), David, Rob (three of them), Natasha, Gaz, Gareth, Luke, Will, Coral, President-Elect Barack Obama, David Cameron and the Shadow Cabinet and Qeen Elizabeth II and the rest of the Royal Family.

Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed?

Thankfully very few people have crossed me this year, apart from one Conservative who hurt a friend of mine, and cannot be allowed to get away with it. There was also one of the university students who wrote an insulting message to one of his friends in my name, but I think I'm getting close to identifying him now, and the matter won't rest there. Other than them, I have been constantly appalled and depressed by the behaviour of just about every member of Her Majesty's Government, in particular our Prime Minister, Gordon Brown. It's difficult to think of now, but in the summer, when he was going through such difficulties with his party, I actually felt sorry for him - but then he started lying to all and sundry about his responsibility for our economic difficulties and accusing the Opposition of partisanship and disloyalty for doing their jobs of opposing him, and now I can only conclude - with agreement even from Liberal Democrats I know - that getting rid of him and his whole ridisulous, untrustworthy, dictatorial mob of a government is now an issue greater than politics, and has become a matter of national importance. Oh yes, and Speaker of the House of Commons Michael Martin is a disgrace to his office and a shambles, and should resign or be removed with all possible haste.

What did you spend most of your spare cash on?

Once again, I didn't really have any.

What did you get really, really excited about?

The municipal and US Presidential elections, and the trip to Sweden.

What song will always remind you of 2008?

I'm tempted to go with “My Last Breath” by Evanescense, but I'm not certain.

Compared to this time last year are you happier or sadder?

Oh, happier, absolutely - I'm in a much better situation now than I was a year ago, all things considered.

Thinner or fatter?

The same, always the same,

Richer or poorer?

Possibly slightlhy poorer owing to the increased outgoings on my new flat now that I'm living alone, and no real salary increase to speak of; hopefully I'll be sorting that out fairly soon.

What do you wish you'd done more of?


What do you wish you'd done less of?

Pass again.

Did you fall in love in 2007?

Not as such.

How many one-night-stands?

As far as literal truth is concerned, zip.

What was your favorite TV programme?

Rome series 2 was in 2007, so I'd probably better go with one I've only recently started watching, The Wire. I also very much enjoyed my DVD box sets of Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes, The Clone Wars on TV a pretty good adaptation of Sense and Sensibility a while back.

Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?


What was the last book you read?

At the moment I'm reading the advance copy my friend Niall sent me of his new book, “Freeing Growth: A Neocapitalist Proposal” (subtitle subject to change). Not long ago I finished Max Brooks' Zombie Survival Guide.

What was your greatest musical discovery?

Individual songs, as usual, but I particularly enjoyed the soundtrack of the PC game Fallout 3, which consists of some beautiful classics from the 1920s to '50s, by the likes of Cole Porter and Richard Rogers.

What did you want and get?

Success in the municipals, career advancement, re-selection and a holiday in Sweden.

What did you want and not get?

A permanent job and a girlfriend.

What was your favourite film this year?

Of those that came out this year, probably The Dark Knight, although I did also very much enjoy The Clone Wars.

What did you do on your birthday and how old are you?

I spent my 25th birthday in St Andrews, in what was probably the last get together of so significant a group of my very good friends from 4th year.

What one thing would've made your year immeasurably more satisfying?

See the answer three questions above.

How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2007?

Neat brown shoes, corduroy trousers, shirt, waistcoat and velvet jacket.

What kept you sane?

Simple. My friends.

Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?

I can't really think of any.

What political issue has stirred you the most?

Locally, obviously I was heavily involved in the municipal elections and in the successful campaign to defeat Labour's congestion charge, and on a national scale it was all about the self-destruction and inexplicable resuscitation of Gordon Brown and the Labour Party, our phenomenal victories in May and throughout the summer and then the Brown Bust; internationally this gong has to go to the US presidential elections.

Who did you miss?

Emily, Sasha, Natasha (even though we've never actually met in person) and Caitlin, as well as those of the Spirit of 66 (a house I used to spend a lot of time in in St Andrews) I've had less opportunity to hang around with.

Who was the best new person you met this year?

Adele, whom I met first at Rob's birthday party and have happily become a lot closer to since then.

Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2007.

Although everyone likes to say “speak your mind”, “stand up for your principles” and “be yourself”, presumably because they think they should, a great many people don't really mean it, or at least haven't grasped that the upshot of other people following that advice is that they'll often be confronted with views they don't agree with, and they find that difficult to cope with - yet strangely the next day or hour they'll go back to braying the same homespun cliches they've just proven to be incompatible with their comfortingly dogmatic worldview.

Oh yes, and don't ever feel sorry for Gordon Brown.

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