so I'm a year older now...

Jun 15, 2007 01:25

My birthday was June 8th! WEEEEEEE!!!! Mom made me a Yoda Cake ^_^ Quite appropriate as I'm dressing as a Jedi for Conencticon in July. Hopefully i can get some shots of my cake, my lightsaber (once I finish constructing it) and my costume up here soon for you all to swoon over (you know my ultra geekyness makes you all love me ;) hehe). Anyways being serious for a moment I want you all to know I havent sdtoped using Live Journal I've just been exceedingly busy lately with work and Dave and I trying to get the Demo movie for our game finished before Connecticon. Hopefully after connecticon not oly will I have many many Awesom pics to show you all butr I can get back inot the groove of posting again.

Now on an entirely different note:

DEAR ABBY: Shortly after my wedding, I received a card with a photo in it taken by my husband's aunt. It was of my husband looking at me as I walked down the aisle. No one else had thought to take one like it. We had beautiful formal portraits done, but this is the one I keep on the nightstand so that the expression of love on his face is the first thing that greets me each morning. -- DEBRA IN NORTH ATTLEBORO, MASS.

I hope someone thinks to do that at my wedding one day.
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