May 02, 2013 22:06
No, the reasons why we oppose the Background checks the way they were written in the measure:
* It forms a national list of gun owners and what they own. Currently background checks only kept gun lists at the county level. A federal list only gives potential for future attempts to confiscate weapons. Main proponents have already spilled the beans that they intend to prevent current weapons they consider "Dangerous or assault weapons" from being sold or passed on to family members; their way of taking back guns.
* Dangerous criminals don't buy their weapons from legitimate sources. They get them from illegal sources off the street or steal them. This is only something being levied of law abiding gun owners because...
* It's just another tax; they are adding to the background check fee.
* They don't currently prosecute those who fail the background checks. Over the past 2 years they only prosecuted 4% of failed checks. Why add more if they don't do the job now?
* Try asking a cop how many times they have seen a crime solved or prevented by a background check? doubtful he has ever heard of one because we checked and found none.