This is why the birth certificate is the ruse; it's the type of citizenship that disqualifies Obama.

Mar 31, 2011 22:53

I never understood why DirectTV is using a Bond villan to sell cable service?

The Senate defined “natural born Citizen” in 2008, and Obama didn’t qualify

The simple truth in evidence is Obama’s own declaration that he was born of a British father and is therefore not a “natural born Citizen.”

Of course one could turn to that great legal scholar, Sen. Patrick Leahy, who agreed with former judge and HSA Secretary Michael Chertoff in 2008 when Chertoff said, “It is my understanding that a natural born citizen has two parents who are citizens.”

"our framers said it simply and clearly, citing Vattel. A natural born citizen is born on our soil of citizen parents. Obama is ineligible, and if we have to have another revolution to return to the values which make our republic great, we will prevail."
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