Brietbart pulls a fast one on the LamestreamMedia, NAACP and WH!

Jul 20, 2010 23:24

So why was Sherrod bounced? By the guy who called Ma. police stupid? Friend of Rev. Jeremiah? The Uniter? Which bus did he use?

Andrew Brietbart shows just how dangerous he is to the Liberal left media and punditry. Releasing what appears to be a scolding example of a person recalling when she discriminated against a person of color (white) while in government office... and is cheered on by the audience... a chapter of NAACP. Reportedly showing the full video, it was so outrageous in it's appearance of racism, within the Day she was ousted from her position. Was denounced by the NAACP. Made many pundits/bloggers/media sources backpedal stances, ignore the story or try to gin up makebelieve examples with the Tea Party movement to counterbalance the argument. They moved very fast to remove this embarrassment to their "dialogue" on who's the most racist in politics.

One slight problem.

It was NOT the complete speech.

There was a slight portion editied out which changed the parameters of the speech. The tale told in the speech is quite true, the event occured and the crowd did cheer. The reason why; Sherrod was telling how she had done that in the past... and had changed her ways and feelings, had bettered herself. She had faced the discrimination in her own heart, and in confession was cleansing it.

Brietbart was making a point. The left MSM and pundits have been editing, snipping, mischaracterizing or just FLAT OUT making shit up to attach and attack with the racism theme to those who oppose them. He just showed them what it feels like and how ugly they really are in doing it. When they plant signs and stooges in Tea Party rallys, twist comments of politicians with different views or accept claims of accounts widely filmed with NO evidence they ever occured... they create hate. And this time they shot down one of their own to appear "above reproach". The problem with the left is, their tactics work just as well against them. It's just rare to find someone on the right willing to go low enough to employ them.

I’m wondering how long it take before Sherrod files suit against the government alleging she was fired because she was black. And how much will her settlement be?

Here's the full speech:
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