Prop 8...

May 26, 2009 16:28

Bleh. while I hoped fervently that it would be overturned, I knew that it wouldn't. Sadly, the amendment passed using wholely legal and proper procedures according to the California constitution. The problem is 52% of the people *WHO VOTED* said "we believe discrimination should be codified into our constitution" We can take a few lessons away from this.
1. People are morons. Education of the facts is important. I have yet to hear a cogent argument from ANYONE as to why same sex marriage should be illegal other than A: Its Tradition, and B: This ancient book says my imaginary friend doesn't like it. I've heard some conservatives argue that SSM as an institution is damaging to business as it forces the company to extend the benefits to spouses. Lets extend this a bit further... What does Same Sex Marriage do that "Traditional" marriage doesnt? shouldn't these conservatives be lobbying for the repeal of any and all marriage rights? after all, when I married my wife, I put a burden on my employer, yes? and those kids I've had, I bet they are a real drain on my town tax coffers, what with school costs and whatnot. Hey, lets take that thought to the logical extreme, Paying an Employee is bad for business too... lets abolish that too. Indentured servitude or slavery, those are better for business.
2. If it's important to you, Get Off Your Arse and Do Something About It. 52% of the people polled voted against. I'm relatively certain this has a lot to do with the racial makeup of california. Hispanics make up the largest block of voters in Cali, and while they are traditionally democratic, they are also (as a generalization) religiously conservative. I suspect, again,getting the message across is important. the message that "gay couples are just like straight couples" would have been a useful tactic. Actually, from a societal standpoint, a gay couple is superior to a straight couple. They pay the same taxes, but are statistically less likely to have children. If they do have children, Adoption is the primary path. Adopting a child DECREASES societies tax burden, as you are taking a child out of foster systems, which are horrifically expensive, and plainly, just horrific in many cases. A Gay couple is practically incapable of increasing overpopulation, and frankly, california suffers from some pretty bad overpopulation. (lets all live in a desert, what could possibly go wrong? )

So, I strongly suspect we'll be seeing two things out of this little black spot. 1. California legislature will significantly revamp the proposition system, making it somewhat harder to amend the constitution. (Heck, the US constitution requires what, 3/4ths buy in? ) If Cali went with a 2/3rds or even the 60% that the senate requires for votes of cloture, Prop 8 would never have passed. but its a simple majority. bad news.
2. The next (and every ballot after too) will contain something revamping/revoking proposition 8. California is the most liberal state in the nation, but it joins the most conservative states in the nation in writing Discrimination into its very laws. That hopefully won't last.

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