Former Vice President Al Gore recently shifted his statement on a possible 2008 run. Until recently, he has stated that he did not intend to run and did not foresee a situation in which he would reconsider.
Now, according to a
story in the Houston Chronicle, Gore says, "I haven't completely ruled out running for president again in the future, but I don't expect to."
So we're moving incrementally, but it is exciting to see Gore reconsider his position. Many progressive Democrats are looking for a candidate in 2008 with a consistent message on Iraq and with new ideas to infuse the Democratic Party with energy. Gore is relatively young, only 58, but plays the role of an elder statesman in the party. He trails far behind Hillary now, but who knows what could happen if he jumps into the primary. If nothing else, he would keep the other candidates honest.
Gore is one of the few Democrats today who is unapologetically liberal and conceivably electable. The party spans the full continuum from a few crazed (and generally ostracized) 9/11 conspiracy theorists to a collection of DiNOs (Democrats in Name Only). Somewhere in the middle, you've got people like Gore, who are true progressives with an actual intellectual engagement with the issues.
Democrats, and for that matter, America, could do worse than Al Gore as the 44th President of the United States. In fact, I'd argue that we couldn't do much better.
So join me in supporting the
Draft Gore movement.