I was getting a lil' achy knitting. So I decided to try to learn to knit with yarn in my left hand, since I work my right hand for most other activities. I started practicing knit stitches and boy it felt odd. But I eventually was getting the hang of it. I haven't yet tried to purl 'continental
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Someone used the anology of grandma knits and have arthitist, or is it that grandma has arthitiest because she knits?
Learning new technique is a good idea, I try to learn new things from books, but unforturnatly nothing sticks to my head unless I'm actually doing it, and since I can only pick up one or two new techniques while doing a project, its rather slow learning. I also have it in my head that my way is better, so I just end up modifing things that I don't feel like (or can't understand) learning. Horrible isn't it? I suggest that you don't get stuck doing my bad habits!
I would like to have a set of circulars too =\ But I haven't decided if I want interchangables or not yet. Interchangeables would be convenent, but the hassle D: What if I lose the pin or what if it comes apart while I'm knitting?!! But buying them individually isn't exactly cost efficient. And like you, I don't know what medium I want for my needles.
All my needles have good points and they have bad points, sometimes I'll like one set over another, while some days. I don't like any of them at all D: this makes it very hard to want to invest in getting a bunch of needles, all in the same material.
My hands hurt sometimes, sometimes my wrists, but not too often, and I have bad wrists anyway. It's the same pain as when I write a lot, so I'm kinda used to it.
I think good illustrations really help. Cause really, knitting is visual. You need to be able to see what it's supposed to look like and compare it with what you did. I thought the stitch n bitch book was well written and pretty clear when it came to directions. But I do most of my pattern searching and stuff online, so I find most of my directions and techniques online too. I think knitty.com is prolly my favorite knitting website. But the interwebs are great for patterns and techniques and stuff. Also, for both of you, this interchangeable set is cheaper than the one I always see in Michael's and everywhere, and apparently highly recommended:
http://knitty.com/ISSUEsummer03/FEATdenise.html - The review
http://www.knitdenise.com/ - Where to order from.
I still don't know if I want it or not. Its not soo much as to I don't like circulars, as to I can do what any circulars do with dpns, and before I was working with little delicate things (like socks, which is harder to do on circulars I think), and now I'm making tops, which need the flexible cirulars.
(also, a part of this is because I just want new toys ;D)
Mmmm..new toys.
After my scarf is finished, I'm going to try experimenting with hats, so I too will need to be knitting in the round, prolly on circulars as I have no big dpns, and it seems odd to knit a round, bulky yarn hat on dpns anyway.
Besides, the set you lined was made of resin, and I don't know if I can stand to have a whole set of resen needles, and the knitpicks set are heavy, so I don't want a whole set of those either.
So if you see any unique needles, drop me a line. I might have you get me some. (actually, right now i got it in my head that I want antique needles =x I want to go antiquing D: To bad Hawaii dun have very many places like that. I'm going down to what's left of The Hunter or whatever to see what they have)
Antique needles? Let me guess, you're hoping for some ivory or whalebone or something, aren't you? I have no idea where to get things like that around here. Best bet would prolly be online on ebay or something. Good luck. I will keep my eyes open, but I can't make any promises.
I need to go antiquing. Hit garuge sales and stuff like that.
But I might be able to find new antique things. Things that haven't been used yet D:
But if you're hoping for unused old stuff that makes a lil' more sense.
So please scratch off antique knitting needles off my christmas list.
But I didn't want to buy any of them without getting my hands on them first (I guess with the exception of the Options).
Oh, and bamboo is still lighter than the Addi/KnitPicks brass. Decisions, decisions.
Oh, one negative... that since there is only one needle each size if you work multiple projects ye might get screwed.
Still seems like a good deal.
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