Feb 18, 2008 11:55
Hmm, I do appear to have been tagged. How unusual. Okay then, here goes...
in response to weebleflip :
a. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
b. Tag seven people to do the same.
c. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it".
1) I can't ride a bike. I can, however, ride a unicycle having decided at uni that learning to ride a bike when 21 would be embarrassing.
2) When first meeting my girlfriends parents (and, in fact, still) I couldn't communicate with them, as we have no common language. She had to act as a translator for us, which is good as it's pretty difficult to put ones foot in it when you have a translator on your side...
3) I hate all sorts of vinegars and salad dressings and so on. This is one way that one can put ones foot in it when meeting the g/f's parents and not being able to speak with them, as they served some salad in vinegar and I couldn't eat it. Less than smooth
4) I tend not to feel the cold and am out in all weathers in just a tee-shirt. Not only does this mean I get a lot of funny looks, but I can now recognise the German for 'aren't you cold?'
5) I have never broken any bones, but I came very close when I did my ankle in attempting to ride down some steps on the unicycle. I had done it before, but I suspect I failed this time because we were trying to film it...
6) I once performed a strip tease as a dare in front of six rather attractive young ladies at university. There was also a guy there but he hid in the corner the whole time and didn't look. I was most upset so threw him my tee-shirt as I took it off. Good times
7) Despite playing guitar, mandolin, harp, drums, penny whistle and many other instruments, I stopped studying music at 14 when me and my music teacher decided that I probably wasn't any good at it. I took up Drama for GCSE instead, and ended up only getting a D in it.